The Fates Of The Main Characters In Season 1


  • Amazon’s Fallout pulls no punches, with main characters meeting rough ends and unexpected twists along the way.
  • Characters like Lucy, Norm, and Cooper undergo significant transformations, facing new challenges and revelations.
  • The Fallout series on Amazon diverges from the video games, introducing new plotlines and character arcs in a post-apocalyptic world.

It’s safe to say that the Fallout series is one of the most mature out there. From the language to the violence, it gets pretty graphic. That’s one of the reasons why Amazon was a good choice for a streaming service to host the game adaptation.


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Amazon’s Fallout adaptation is out, but how loyal is it to the actual Bethesda video game franchise? Here’s what the series absolutely nailed.

They already proved they are not afraid to pull any punches like with The Boys‘ adaptation from the comics. Suffice it to say, a lot of the main cast gets pretty roughed up in season one of Fallout, with some even meeting their end. Let’s summarize where everyone leaves off at the end of season one to set up season two’s cast.

This list contains spoilers!

8 Lucy MacLean

From Vault Dweller To Surface Avenger

Lucy in Amazon’s Fallout Show

Lucy begins as a doe-eyed citizen of Vault 33. She leaves after her father, Hank, is kidnapped by a woman known as Moldaver. On the surface, she tries to keep a positive mentality and wants to de-escalate situations with words. By the end of the season, she realizes that actions sometimes have to be taken. In this process, she loses a finger to Cooper but gets it replaced by a dead one via a Codsworth model named Snip Snip. She eventually “rescues” her father, only to learn that he is anything but a hero. The season ends with her more or less in good health on a search to find her father again with Cooper, as Hank escaped Shady Sands.

7 Norm MacLean

From Scaredy Cat To Detective

Norm in Amazon’s Fallout Show

Norm is Lucy’s brother, and he is portrayed as a timid, self-proclaimed coward. Throughout the season, he grows as a person because he thinks something is going on in Vault 33. His investigations with Chet lead him to a conspiracy within a conspiracy as Norm discovers the Vaults are nothing but experiments. He also discovers that his father Hank and others were cryogenically frozen bodies who were unthawed from the past to rule over these experiments. He gets trapped in this cryotherapy chamber and it’s unknown whether he decides to freeze himself too, but Norm is at least alive by the end of the finale.

6 Hank MacLean

From Overseer To Over-Villain

Hank in Amazon’s Fallout Show

Hank, as previously stated, is the father of Lucy and Norm and he gets kidnapped in episode one. He does not appear again until the finale wherein Moldaver tells Lucy about where Hank is really from. Through a commotion involving the Brotherhood of Steel, Hank escapes his cage, steals a suit of Power Armor, and blasts off into the sunset.


6 Lingering Questions We Have After The End Of Amazon’s Fallout

Amazon’s Fallout series leaves fans hanging with a few unanswered questions at the end. Here’s what still remains a mystery.

The final shot of season one shows Hank approaching New Vegas from the titular Fallout: New Vegas game. He is alive and will assumedly be joining fellow Board members in the city in season two.

5 Siggi Wilzig

From Scientist To MacGuffin

Dr. Wilzig in Amazon’s Fallout Show

Dr. Wilzig is both a minor character and a major one. He is first shown in episode two with a flashback involving his escape from the Brotherhood of Steel’s Enclave. Dr. Wilzig escapes with a genetically enhanced German Shepard, Dogmeat, and a bounty is placed on his head, literally. At the end of episode two, Dr. Wilzig takes a cyanide pill to kill himself to force Lucy to chop off his head. She does, and his head is the MacGuffin of season one, as everyone wants it for some unknown reason.

That is revealed in episode eight as Dr. Wilzig injects himself with Cold Fusion technology at the Enclave that Moldaver extracts and uses to power Shady Sands again. While dead, his legacy lives on, and Dr. Wilzig’s companion, Dogmeat, joins Cooper and Lucy on their journey to find more answers.

4 Lee Moldaver

From Kidnapper To Savior

Moldaver in Amazon’s Fallout Show

Lee Moldaver, or just Moldaver as she is referred to mostly in the show, is portrayed as a villain. She hurts innocent people and kidnaps fathers. While her methods are crude, Moldaver turns out to be more of a good guy as she just wants to get Dr. Wilzig’s technology to help her people. It’s a wish she was sharing with Lucy’s mother, Rose, who got turned into a Ghoul via Hank sometime in the past. In the finale, both Moldaver and Rose die, but they do so holding hands and looking out at Shady Sands lit up once again.

3 Maximus

From Square To Knight

Maximus in Power Armor in Amazon’s Fallout Show

Maximus is a grunt within the Brotherhood of Steel in episode one. He gets promoted to a Squire by the end of the episode and follows his commander, Knight Titus, to retrieve Dr. Wilzig. On the mission, Knight Titus gets gravely injured by a mutant bear, and Maximus decides to finish Knight Titus off.


6 Things We Hope To See In Season 2 Of Amazon’s Fallout

Amazon’s Fallout is showing good numbers, so another season is on the horizon. Here’s what will hopefully make an appearance in season 2.

He then assumes the role of Knight Titus and picks up a Squire of his own, Thaddeus, who eventually finds out the truth and runs away. By the finale, Maximus redeems himself in the eyes of the Brotherhood of Steel, who think he’s the one who killed Moldaver and secured the Cold Fusion technology. It’s a lie, but Maximus is knighted officially regardless.

2 Thaddeus

From Squire To Ghoul

Thaddeus on the ground in Amazon’s Fallout Show

Thaddeus is introduced alongside Maximus in the first episode, and he’s kind of a bully who picks on him. After he joins Maximus when he is disguised as Knight Titus, Thaddeus proves himself to be a worthy Squire. He almost dies multiple times, including being eaten by an abomination monster, and he gets his foot stepped on Maximus once he tries to escape. Thaddeus gets his foot healed completely through a snake oil salesman which also turns Thaddeus into a Ghoul in the process. By the end of episode seven, Thaddeus is presumed to be alive on his own, or more like undead somewhere in the wasteland.

1 Cooper Howard (The Ghoul)

From Heroic Icon To Ghoulish Monster

Cooper as a ghoul in Amazon’s Fallout Show

Cooper, along with Lucy and Maximus, is one of the three core characters of Fallout. He’s from the pre-war era and he was an actor known for portraying cowboys in Westerns. It’s not known how, but after the bombs dropped, Cooper somehow survived after being transformed into a Ghoul. He’s lived for hundreds of years and, in that process, had become cold to humans. Interacting with Lucy softened him up just slightly along with getting Dogmeat as a companion. As previously mentioned, Cooper heads after Hank along with Lucy and Dogmeat in the finale.


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