Why Natlan’s Archon of War Could Be a Game-Changer


  • Genshin Impact’s Archons are like governing gods with unique magic, adding depth and intrigue to Teyvat’s lore.
  • Players can recruit Archons through gacha mechanics, with the War Archon of Natlan yet to be introduced, promising chaos.
  • The Pyro Archon, representing war, could lead to emotional storylines and unexpected twists, challenging player expectations.

As expected of fantasy games, Genshin Impact‘s Teyvat follows its own unique set of rules that help its world feel alive and unique, and it shines the most with the game’s concept of Archons. These Archons serve as almost the governing gods of Teyvat, able to hone a special magic known as a Gnosis, and thus are said to call the floating island Celestia, a currently unseen “location” in the world of Genshin Impact, home.

The lore of HoYoVerse’s hit game has said there have been seven Archon thrones as of 2,000 years ago, and players have met five out of seven of them, and can even recruit them through Genshin Impact‘s gacha mechanics. However, there is one Archon fans have yet to meet, the Archon of War from Natlan, who has room to be the most interesting member of The Seven yet.



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The War Archon’s Place in Genshin Impact’s Lore Is Crying Out For Chaos

As players gather Genshin Impact‘s Primogem currency to save up for their favorite characters, they are most likely either exploring the world, or reading the lore that comes with the cast, locations, and world. The Archon’s part of the lore is, needless to say, rather important, thanks to their status as gods. The Archon quests for each region are some of the most anticipated features of each large update as a result.

The Pyro Archon sticks out compared to the rest of the cast, however, due to the values they’re all said to represent. Alongside the nation they watch over, the gods of Genshin have a divine ideal they are meant to embody. All of the Archon’s divine ideals are as follows:

  • Venti/Barbados, the Anemo Archon of Freedom
  • Zhongli/Morax, the Geo Archon of Contracts
  • Ei/Beelzebul, the Electro Archon of Eternity
  • Nahdia/Duer, the Dendro Archon of Wisdom
  • Focalors (part of Furina), the Hydro Archon of Justice
  • Murata, the Pyro Archon of War

Why the Pyro Archon is Likely Going to Shake Things Up in Genshin Impact

The list above makes it very clear that out of all the virtues Genshin Impact‘s gods represent, one stands out against the neutral and even hopeful concepts like a sore thumb, and that’s the War-driven “Murata.” While it seems a bit cliche that Murada, or whichever character aims to represent her when Natlan reaches the game at large, would lead to a surprising storyline, there have already been huge changes to Archon Quests with Furina.

Furina’s connection and storyline in regard to Focalors was surprising and painful to witness, as the Hydro Archon’s human half was made to act as a decoy for centuries in order to enact the god’s plan of rightfully handing governing powers over Hydro and Fontaine back to the dragon Neuvillette. Furina’s story is heartwrenching, filled with twists and deeper truths that make it very clear Genshin Impact doesn’t need to play it safe if it doesn’t want to. If there’s any god that deserves to have room to surprise players, it’s a god of war.

There are many directions that the storyline of the Pyro Archon could take in regards to a theme of war, but if any of them aren’t as befitting the destructive nature of the concept it may turn into a bit of a let-down compared to Furina’s own Archon quest.

While not every Genshin Impact Archon Quest needs to test what players understand of the concept of these powerful rulers, it would be rather strange to have the virtue of justice be portrayed in such a dramatic fashion while the more grim nature of war is downplayed in comparison. There’s plenty of potential in Murata’s story being heavier on player’s emotions, if not just as heavy, as the Focalors’ story, and that may just be what players are hoping for after waiting so long to see what Natlan’s like.

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Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact is an open-world RPG made by MiHoYo. Focusing on the interactions between seven elements, Genshin Impact is a free-to-play gacha game with a host of characters, weapons, regions, and more.

September 28, 2020

Online Multiplayer


T for Teen – Fantasy Violence, Alcohol Reference


Platforms That Support Crossplay
Mobile, PC, PS4 & PS5

PS Plus Availability

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