Tuesday, September 24, 2024
14.6 C

The Mercury’s Sound Off for Tuesday, Sept. 24

The Mercury’s Sound Off for Tuesday, Sept. 24

We have 6 children/spouses who served in the military and 2 grandchildren currently serving. They are getting out due to the current woke military philosophy. Most of their colleagues are also getting out. Parents in our family are discouraging their children from joining. Do not doubt this and the dropping enlistment numbers will bring back the draft.

Hard to understand, but Democratic US Reps. Madeleine Dean and Mary Gay Scanlon voted against a bill that would deport illegal immigrants who were found guilty of sexual assaults on women. Bob Casey will also vote against it. And Kamala Harris will veto it if elected. How does that protect women?

Billy G.

Before buying all the promises that Kamala is making if she’s elected remember that she had four years to do it and didn’t. Things like much better and cheaper healthcare for middle-class Americans, securing our border, lowering inflation, making gas groceries and rent more affordable, and many more. Just remember how great things were under Trump. If you can’t, perhaps you need to double up on your TDS meds because you’re delusional.

Captain Dudley Bradstreet

I see gas prices in the area coming down a bit but still over $3/gallon. Just a reminder, nearly 60 cents per gallon is for our state gas tax given to us by our state Republican Legislature. If you knock 35 to 40 cents off the current price you can estimate what we probably should be paying if we were comparable to other states (with similar road miles to maintain). Thanks, PA Republicans.


I am glad you can still laugh KC, laughter sustains us right now. I also read and listen to a lot of truth, but not the left’s truth. There are no journalists anymore just minions who are paid by far left-leaning stations. I turn them off when they keep preaching the same lies over and over again. Here’s to a fair election!


Donald Trump got the animal wrong at the debate. The facts hadn’t been revealed to the public yet. He had the rest of the information right which our government is trying to hide. The ducks and geese are being destroyed by the 15,000 illegals being put in Springfield, Ohio. All illegal migrants need to be deported.

Mike S

Jiffy: We get it. You don’t like Taylor Swift endorsing Harris. That’s your right. Kinda’ doubt anyone thinks you have any credibility on Swift’s level of knowledge, intellect, or influence. You probably don’t realize the language “ignorant” and “low-intelligence” tells the rest of us you’re just another right-wing parrot.

Kudos to the letter to the editor by WD Ehrhart. Passionately described the convicted felon trumps contempt for military service and the men and women who wear the uniform of our nation’s armed forces. I still do not understand how any veteran can support such a despicable human.


Looks like Lefty for Stupid People is yammering again. It is the same old nonsense Blaming the NRA, AR-15, and Second Amendment. All he complains about is guns and Trump and needs a new subject to whine about. He always straining his two brain cells to come up with something goofy to write about.

Truth be Told

Unprecedented how many prominent Republicans are abandoning Trump and endorsing Kamala Harris. It’s that bad. They want to save our country from someone who cares only about himself. With his agenda of revenge, he won’t have time to do anything worthwhile for our country. We must keep him far from the White House.

Springfield, OH, isn’t alone. The Biden-Harris Administration has granted “protected status” to as many as 500,000 Haitians, a reported half of whom have been flown into the country at taxpayer expense. In Charleroi, PA, School Superintendent Ed Zelich informs that the influx has resulted in additional costs for services, primarily translation in nature, of $400,000. California resources have been similarly strained by accommodations to those speaking over 100 different languages and dialects.

M. Furlong

Voltaire said: Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. This explains the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol very well. And make no mistake, it was an attack on democracy led by a narcissistic sitting president for which he needs to be held accountable.


Are you deplorables too dense to understand that your cars, stoves, air conditioners, and hamburgers are murdering our planet? Don’t you know Donald Trump is a dictator who wants to take away your rights? Even the Pope says preventing illegal immigration into the U.S. is a sin. Why can’t you get it through your thick MAGA heads that socialism benefits everyone? Harris / Walz is America’s only hope for California-style leadership on a national level.

Lefty Lucy

Knowing everything we know about democrats and the news media, why would it be out of the question, to believe the debate was rigged beforehand and David Muir may have been a part of it? There must be some reason that Harris absolutely refuses to debate on Fox News. They certainly would be more fair, than these two were. Remember, the swamp has a lot to lose with a Trump win.


VP Harris just recently radically reversed her position on many things. At the same time, she claimed that her values have not changed. How this can be seen as anything but blatant political hypocrisy and lying is impossible to see. But I’ll bet our leftist contingent will believe every word.


After each assassination attempt, the media tells us that both parties need to tone down their rhetoric. But that is all the Democratic Party has, harsh, hateful, critical, demeaning rhetoric. If you do not agree with them, you get hammered by them and their allies in the MSM. They can’t afford to tone it down, they have nothing else. They can’t or just don’t explain where they stand on most issues.

H John

Mickey Mouse is not running for President. Vote for someone else, but remember you have a pencil.

Star Light

Those that believe a mask will protect you from Covid 19 `probably believe that their underwear will protect anyone from smelling their fart!

Jim Fitch

Sound Off is an opinion forum for Mercury readers to comment on today’s news. Submissions must be 75 words or less and are subject to editing for grammar and clarity. Publication of submissions is at the sole discretion of the editor. Email your comment to [email protected]. Use “Sound Off” in the subject line of the email.

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