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Arantzazu, a spanish resident of Alicante, expressed her environmental concerns, stating, “I believe that the balance between humanity and the planet has been disrupted and needs to be restored. The dichotomy between progress in civilization and nature should disappear because humans are part of nature and will follow the same fate as dictated by the biosphere in which we live. This is a principle that should be embraced both individually by each of us and collectively by governments worldwide, as they are not doing enough to address the problem”.

Arantzazu Arias Gonzalez

Juan Jose, another local resident from the area, chimed in from San Juan Beach. “The lack of rain not only affects us in the shortages we have and will have in these months, which affect our daily lives. It also harms us in an area where its income depends on tourism, which will be affected. It could be considered to be distributed at a national level and have the possibility of using other energies and means to ensure the security of maintaining and producing large quantities of water that are stored or preserved for the future, but this must be at a national and even European level”.

Juan Jose Lopez

Jose, a colombian resident in Asturias and a visitor in the Costa blanca North area due to family ties. “As a visitor in Alicante, it has been disheartening to see tourist sites like Fonts de l’Algar (one of the best tourist attractions in the area, in my opinion) closed due to the lack of rain. Being just a visitor, unfortunately, I am not aware of all the measures being taken to address the drought in Alicante”.

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