The Finals: Weapon Tier List

The Finals is an absolute blast to play with friends, being a team-based first-person-shooter at heart, where players must compete in a variety of different modes for victory. The game is arcade-like, featuring fast-paced action, destructive environments, as well as a class system that dictates what weapons and equipment players can use. New weapons have also been introduced into the game with the debut of Season 2, offering plenty of options for players to choose from.

The Finals does a perfect job of offering players complete control over the customization of their classes. Though players can simply throw on whatever weapon they have earned throughout their playtime, the differences in each weapon’s performance do shape the overall meta for the game quite a bit — making some particular weapon choices stand out from the rest.


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The Finals Weapon Tier List

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There are a total of 24 available weapons as of the release of The Finals Season 2, each of which offers its own unique benefits and drawbacks. While some weapons may find themselves in a stable position within the overall meta, weapon buffs and nerfs are bound to occur with each major update — often adjusting their ranking over time.


XP-54, FCAR, Lewis Gun


M11, LH1, AKM, M60, SA1216


SR-84, Model 1887, V95, 93R, FAMAS, SH1900


R.357, CL-40, MGL32, Sword, KS-23


Throwing Knives, Dagger, Sledgehammer, Flamethrower, Riot Shield

S-Tier Weapons In The Finals

S-Tier is home to the absolute best weapons for the Light, Heavy, and Medium classes in The Finals, serving as the most reliable options within the game. The weapons to make it into S-Tier are:

  • XP-54 (Light Class) – The ideal choice for players looking to run-and-gun. While the M11 has a slightly better DPS on average, the XP-54 beats the M11 at medium range while still proving effective up close. The XP-54 also has less recoil and offers enhanced accuracy with its built-in scope.
  • FCAR (Medium Class) – The perfect Assault Rifle to use for medium-range engagements. The damage of the FCAR is pretty high when compared to the other available full-auto Assault Rifle for the Medium Class, the AKM. The range potential is also much better than the AKM, especially with its built-in sight. Though the magazine capacity is relatively low when compared to other options, its fast reload speed of just 1.8 seconds more than makes up for this.
  • Lewis Gun (Heavy Class) – Arguably the number one option for the Heavy Class with its excellent hip-fire accuracy and ability to perform well in a multitude of scenarios. Though slightly outclassed by the M60 in terms of raw damage output, the Lewis Gun is much more controllable thanks to its lower level of recoil. This option also sports a higher critical damage rate at just 38 damage per shot.

A-Tier Weapons In The Finals

The A-Tier is home to weapons that, though not quite surpassing those found in S-Tier, are still some of the top weapons in the game. The A-Tier weapons for The Finals include:

  • M11 (Light Class) – A deadly Machine Pistol that thrives in the close-range meta. While it does boast a higher damage output than the XP-54 thanks to its faster rate of fire, the M11 is rather restricted to just close-range engagements due to its damage fall-off range and higher level of recoil. Despite this flaw, however, it is still an exceptional run-and-gun weapon to add to your best Light builds.
  • LH1 (Light Class) – A semi-automatic Rifle tailored for mid-to-long-range engagements. Though the semi-auto nature of this weapon may turn some players away, the LH1 possesses a high fire rate (300 RPM) and an exceptionally high DPS of 49 to the body (98 to the head). This grants it an exceptionally fast TTK but does require a keen level of accuracy to be effective.
  • AKM (Medium Class) – A close second to the FCAR for the best weapon for the Medium Class. The damage difference between both options is relatively small, and the AKM retains the same fire rate as its competitor. The AKM also has a larger magazine size, making it ideal for less accurate players. However, in terms of raw damage potential, the AKM is still behind.
  • M60 (Heavy Class) – A powerful LMG that proves remarkably effective for close-and-medium range engagements. Boasting one of the largest magazine sizes in the game, the M60 is ideal for mowing down multiple targets without needing to reload. The M60 also boasts a faster fire rate than the Lewis Gun, making it able to rack up great damage much faster. However, its high amount of weapon kick does limit its long-range potential.
  • SA1216 (Heavy Class) – A fast-firing Shotgun with superb damage potential up close. With its decently large magazine size, and its fast fire rate, the SA1216 is much more forgiving in the sense that players do not need to be super accurate to use it. The only drawback this option has is the small downtime it has after firing 4 shots, making it a slight hindrance if you are unable to take down your opponent during a fight.


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B-Tier Weapons In The Finals

B-Tier is the ranking placed on weapons that are still pretty great to use but do not necessarily hold a candle to weapons within the above two tiers. The weapons to make it into B-Tier for The Finals are:

  • SR-84 (Light Class) – Serving as the only available Sniper Rifle in the game, the SR-84 has pretty big shoes to fill. It has the best range out of all the weapons in the game, along with providing players with a consistent one-shot kill to Light and Medium Classes if you hit either in the head. The only thing holding this weapon back is that it is a rather niche weapon and can only really be used effectively on certain maps that provide great vantage points for sniping.
  • Model 1887 (Medium Class) – A favorable Shotgun when it comes to The Finals. The Model 1887 is good, boasting 6 rounds that each allow players to pull off some serious damage potential. Though fairly strong, its tight pellet spread does force players to be rather accurate to use it effectively, granting it a higher skill gap than some other weapons in the game.
  • V95 (Light Class) – A silenced, semi-auto Pistol boasting a fairly fast fire rate and sleight-of-hand reload speeds. Though a formidable weapon in the right hands, the V95 is much less forgiving up close, for accuracy and a fast trigger finger are required to outgun almost any other weapon in the game.
  • 93R (Light Class) – A burst-fire Handgun with fast-reload speeds and superb hip-fire accuracy. The 93R has become more viable with the recent buff it received for its damage-per-shot, but it still does not quite hold its own against many of the fully-automatic weapons in the game.
  • FAMAS (Medium Class) – The FAMAS is a standout Assault Rifle with its three-round-burst fire action. While the FAMAS did have inconsistent accuracy for some time, a recent patch has mitigated this fatal flaw. Much like the 93R, the FAMAS does possess decent hip-fire potential but is much more tailored for medium-to-long-range engagements. Of course, though its potential damage output is high, players will need to hit all three shots to make the most of this weapon.
  • SH1900 (Light Class) – A standout close-range weapon for the Light Class. Though its damage output is exceptionally high — granting it the potential to two-shot a Heavy Class when dealing critical damage — the fact that this weapon only sports two rounds does hold it back.

C-Tier Weapons In The Finals

The weapons for C-Tier are some of the lesser viable options in the game. Though each weapon here can be a good choice for a particular niche of players, they do not quite compete against all the aforementioned weapons on this list. C-Tier is home to the following:

  • R.357 (Medium Class) – Once regarded as one of the best Handguns in the game, the R.357 has been knocked down slightly thanks to the reduction of its effective damage range as of Season 2. This weapon does still have high-damage potential, especially when going for critical hits. However, with its emphasis on good accuracy, you’re better off running some of the other weapons for your Medium build.
  • CL-40 (Medium Class) – An exceptional choice for the end of Season 1 thanks to its innate ability to damage players through shields. However, with its ability to counter Dome Shields and Mesh Shields now removed, the CL-40 does not necessarily have a use. The splash damage to this Launcher is also quite poor, making it rather insufficient for crowd control.
  • MGL32 (Heavy Class) – Much like the CL-40, the MGL32 has become rather redundant as it can no longer pierce through shields. This grenade launcher is also rather unreliable because its rounds tend to bounce off of surfaces, rather than exploding on impact.
  • Sword (Light Class) – Melee weapons, in general, are a poor choice for The Finals. However, out of all those available, the Sword is arguably the best one. This is largely down to its balance between a fairly fast attack speed and middle-of-the-pack damage output. Pair this with the fact that you can use Evasive Dash to close the distance between opponents, and you have a better opportunity for gaining eliminations with this melee weapon over other options.
  • KS-23 (Heavy Class) – Though the introduction of slug-rounds may intrigue some players, the KS-23 is not a good Shotgun by any means. This weapon is one of the few guns that requires you to lead your shots, as the travel time is rather slow. The KS-23 also lacks the pellet spread that is generally favored among other Shotguns, while also failing to deal meaningful damage to make up for that very tradeoff.

D-Tier Weapons In The Finals

Last but not least, there is D-Tier, which includes arguably the least viable weapons in The Finals. While some of the most skilled players will be able to dominate with the weapons within D-Tier, ultimately, they have fully lost their place within the meta. The D-Tier weapons of The Finals include:

  • Throwing Knives (Light Class) – Just as expected, the use of Throwing Knives provides silent projectiles that can be fired in short bursts or as pairs. Though the projectile speed of the Throwing Knives was increased for Season 2, the weapon still fails to dish out damage faster than most other weapons in the game.
  • Dagger (Light Class) – A nifty bladed weapon for the Light Class. Though the Dagger does offer one of the fastest attack speeds out of all the available Melee weapons in the game, its overall damage is pretty poor in comparison.
  • Sledgehammer (Heavy Class) – Arguably one of the least viable weapons in The Finals because the Heavy Class is rather slow-moving, making it much harder to get up close and use a Melee weapon effectively.
  • Flamethrower (Heavy Class) – A rather niche weapon when it comes to the Heavy Class. Though the Flamethrower is great for consistently clearing up gas left by Gas Mines and Gas Grenades, its only other use is to pierce enemies standing close to each other — an attribute that is covered by most other Shotguns and Equipment.
  • Riot Shield (Medium Class) – Though serving as the only available weapon capable of blocking incoming damage, running the Riot Shield for the Medium Class truly hurts your damage potential. Pair this with the availability of the Heavy Class’s barricade and Dome Shield, and you’ll find that the Riot Shield is made rather redundant.

the finals

The Finals

December 8, 2023

Embark Studios

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