Stellar Blade: Secret Request Refused, Explained

Upon reaching Xion in Stellar Blade, players will be able to begin accepting requests from bulletin boards. While fans should not run into any issues as they start to engage with that feature, they will eventually encounter a request that is quickly marked as “refused.” Specifically, that request is Stellar Blade‘s Secret Request, and this guide is here to offer some reassurance to players who are concerned about its refusal.

Stellar Blade: Quest Refused, Explained

It is first important to establish that the refusal of a request, including Secret Request, is a scripted event that is not impacted in any way by a player’s actions. Indeed, there is no way to prevent Secret Request from getting marked as “refused” as soon as a fan attempts to accept it, and Stellar Blade players who encounter that designation need not be concerned that they have made some sort of error.


Stellar Blade: Xion Scraps Market Passcode & Chest Locaton (Sisters’ Junk)

This guide will help players find the passcode that is used to open the chest near Sisters’ Junk in Stellar Blade’s Xion Scraps Market.

With respect to why Secret Request is refused, it can be understood as an attempt to communicate something about Eve’s character, indicating that there are some lines, like the delivery of forbidden and dangerous substances, that the Stellar Blade protagonist is unwilling to cross. This event also suggests that Eve is not strictly beholden to the actions that the player dictates, as her refusal comes despite the fact that the player has attempted to accept Secret Request.

stellar blade quest refused

It is also worth mentioning that Secret Request is not the only bulletin board request in Stellar Blade that Eve refuses, as she is not amenable to taking on The Diary’s Revenge either. Once again, the refusal of the request acts as a bit of character work, further establishing Eve’s limits (and her ability to stick to them even when she is instructed to do otherwise).

While these scripted events may seem fairly inconsequential, some players may be intrigued by the idea that Eve has some amount of autonomy from them. Indeed, it is certainly not common that a player character performs actions that are counter to their controller’s instructions, making these moments quite unique.

That said, Eve will be happy to go along with a player’s acceptance of more than 20 bulletin board requests. While fans are certainly not required to deal with all of those optional tasks, the Gold and Vitcoins that are awarded upon their completion can come in handy. There are also some valuable items, including Stellar Blade Nano Suits, that are earned while working on requests, providing further incentive to address them.

stellar blade box art

Stellar Blade

April 26, 2024

Shift Up

Sony Interactive Entertainment

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