Simlish Phrases All Simmers Must Learn


  • Simlish, the unique language used in
    The Sims
    franchise, combines babble and gibberish with words from various languages. Fans have dedicated themselves to deciphering it.
  • Learning Simlish can enhance the enjoyment of
    The Sims
    experience by allowing players to better understand their Sims’ wants and needs.
  • Simlish phrases make for the perfect secret language among Simmer friends.

The Sims franchise has used a highly emotional make-believe language known today as Simlish. It combines babble and gibberish with words derived from many different languages. Even though most of the Sims’ language consists of nonsensical sounds that were improvised by voice actors, diehard Sims enthusiasts have dedicated themselves to deciphering Simlish.


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Communication is crucial for the relationship between a player and their Sims. Many words and phrases are constant across games that are important to signal a Sim’s wants and needs. Simlish is often used for entertainment online and the language used for The Sims version of songs by Natasha Bedingfield, Katy Perry, and Neon Trees. Those who begin to recognize these phrases can get a better handle on caring for their Sims and impress (or confuse) their friends and family by infusing Simlish into their everyday vernacular.

Updated on April 19, 2024, by Jenna Amore: Simlish, the beloved language from The Sims franchise, has transcended virtual worlds to enrich everyday conversation. While the majority of the language is nonsensical, dedicated fans have learned to decipher key words and phrases. Learning and using Simlish can add more enjoyment to The Sims experience. Greet friends with a cheerful “sul sul” (hello) or invite them over by saying “veena fredishay” (let’s play). When hunger strikes, express it humorously with ‘”feebee lay” (I’m hungry). Whether sharing a laugh, expressing concern, or showing affection, speaking Simlish adds a playful twist to interactions. As the understanding of Simlish expands, a few more words have been added to this list to help enrich the experience of Simmers around the world.

15 Sul Sul! = Hello!

Greetings Spark Simlish Connections

A Sim says Sul Sul in Simlish to a visiting friend

Sul sul!” is a commonly known phrase that Sims use to say hello to new and old friends. Complete the interaction with a friendly wave and a cheerful laugh to guarantee a strong yishnoosh (friendship).

There are several other casual ways to say hello in Simlish. Similarly, “suly suly” is used to say “howdy” to ranchers from Chestnut Ridge in the new Horse Ranch expansion. “Hooba noobie?” (what’s up?) or “wut sa dib” (what’s up, dude?) is great for Bro Sims or if Sims would like to maintain a cool reputation around town.

14 No Me Vel? / Cuh Teekaloo? = How Are You?

Decoding Sims’ Inquiries Into Well-being

A Sim asks her son how he's doing in Simlish and he replies not so good.

There are two ways that Sims can ask their friends and family how they’re doing. After introductions are over, it’s polite to question “No me vel?” or “Cuh teekalo?” to fellow Sims and Simmers. Inquire how their day is going to gauge their mood and get to know them better.

Ooh be gah! might be the correct response if the person answering is feeling very good. On the other hand, ne gedna is used to say “not good” in Simlish. Some respond to this question with the emotion they are feeling, such as awasa poa (I’m bored).

13 Veena Fredishay! = Let’s Play!

A Call To Action, Or Action Figures?

In Simlish language, the phrase Veena Fredishay means let's play. Pictured are three Sims playing a video game on the TV.

After beckoning other Simmers with familiar phrases like “Sul Sul” and getting other introductions out of the way, invite them to play The Sims 4 by saying “veena fredishay!” If they’re fluent in Simlish, they might reply “ah, gwanda blitz,” which means “hey, great idea!” Show off some impressive builds or achievements. It may inspire others to say “whippna choba dog!” (this is cool!) in praise and admiration.

Simlish isn’t restricted to speaking about The Sims games! Use it as a secret language between friends in other games. Whisper “uhh shamoo ralla poo” to tell friends that the game is boring. Angrily respond to another player’s attacks with a growl and a phrase like “firby nurbs!” (you have some nerve!).

12 Feebee Lay! = I’m Hungry!

Exploring The Hunger Cries Of Sims

These Sims said they were hungry in Simlish - Feebee Lay!

It’s important to keep track of Sims’ needs. Although Sims can perform actions based on their needs autonomously, Sims are mainly dependent on players to help them get through the day. If neglected for too long, players may find their Sims starving to death.


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Feebee Lay!” is something players might hear from their Sims when they are desperate for food. The peckish Sim might wave to get a player’s attention and rub their stomach to indicate what they need. While eating chumcha (pizza) or their favorite cooking recipe, they might say “deileesh” (delicious) or “jadosi” (I love this) if they are enjoying their meal. If not, they might respond by grimacing and saying “des grobel” (that’s gross) or “boobasnot” (I don’t like this).

11 Garsha! = That’s Funny!

Laughter Speaks Its Own Language

Garsha is the Simlish word for That's Funny!

There are three words that Sims live by: Leeb, Leefuh, Lurv. In other words, “Live, Laugh, Love.” These words are often found on loading screens in The Sims 4. Many Simmers find this loading screen quite funny – or garsha.” Sims often exclaim this word before having a good leefuh. Use this language on real-life friends and family to make them laugh. Sims with a high comedy skill level are guaranteed to get a laugh.

Be careful not to be too funny, though! Sims who become hysterical have the chance of dying from an emotion death. Keep an eye on Sims who are feeling extra silly and perform actions like talking in the mirror or using emotional objects to dull extreme moods.

10 Dog = Woofum

Paying Homage To A Sim’s Best Friend

Woofum means Dog in Simlish, the language from The Sims games. Pictured is a dog and his owner on the couch.

There are many furry companions across several expansions like Horse Ranch and Cottage Living, but no other animal gets as much love in The Sims 4 like woofums.” Of course, owning a woofum is a big responsibility and requires a lot more klenippa” (cleaning) around the house, but it gives owners a chance to experience loovy” (love) like no other creature could offer.

Dogs are incredibly smart creatures… when they want to be. In addition to taking care of them, teach them fun and helpful tricks like sherb” (shake), sperk” (speak), and gerb woof em” (come here). If they listen, give them lots of treats and praise them by saying a phrase we learned earlier: “ooh be gah!” (very good!). If they don’t listen, remain calm, build up some animal training skills, and try again!

9 Shooflee! = Help Me!

Deciphering The Call For Aid In Sim’s Tongue

Shooflee! Says the Sim who is currently being abducted by aliens

Is there a plate blocking the path? Has the pool ladder been deleted? Is someone dying or at risk of dying? There’s one thing that Sims shout to alert their players when they need their help: “SHOOFLEE!” In other words, help me!


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If someone or something is in the way of a Sim’s natural routing, they might declare “Blursh! Meshaloob Blursh!” (“Excuse me! Move aside, please!”) or “Fridashay!” (“That’s in the way!”). Sims who exclaim “Atohteh!” need help trying to get to the bathroom. Even if the problem is as small as a mala snifa” (bad smell), players should always have their eyes and ears peeled on each of their Sims.

8 Docturg = Doctor

Healing The Simlish Way

Docturg is the Simlish word for Doctor

With The Sims 4: Get To Work expansion, Sims can become a docturg” and heal sick Sims at a functional hospital. This career is ranked among the best active careers in the game. Patients might describe their fwee” (feelings) and use words like owza” (ouch) or discufa” (uncomfortable). It’s the docturg’s job to help their patients teebzee” (calm down) and relieve their pain. It may not be a good idea for people to use Simlish when speaking to real doctors. They might think something is wrong.

Although Sims cannot die of illnesses in the vanilla game, it’s human nature that some Sims book an appointment with the Grim Reaper. Sims who witness death might say the phrase “Mordu… Gonza…,” meaning “dead and gone.”

7 Por See Gab Lurv! = I Love You!

Simlish Whispers: Speaking The Language Of Affection

A Sim says I love you to her partner in Simlish and asks them to marry her

Whether it’s on Love Day, wedding day, or any average day, Sims should often remind and reassure their partners that they love them by saying the phrase “Por see gab lurv!”

With a flirtatious tone and a scandalous pose, “Za woka genava” (I think you’re hot) might be the perfect line to woo a Sim or Simmer’s heart. Who knows, maybe the relationship could lead to something serious like marriage. Propose to partners in The Sims 4 or real life by asking “Vanu marsha ma?” (Will you marry me?) and plan a noobtia (wedding) event with the My Wedding Stories game pack.

6 Wabadeebadoo! = I’m On Fire!

Alerting Others To Fiery Situations

Wabadeebadoo is the Simlish phrase for I'm on fire - literally or metaphorically

Om za gleb!” (Oh my gosh!) That Sim is on fire! For those who find themselves in this unfortunate situation, the phrase Wabadeebadoo!” is the ideal way to get the point across. Fires should be promptly put out, so they don’t burn Sims to death or ruin their expensive furniture. Sims may also choose to be more literal with their words by saying “Zep tor maboo!” (Help! There’s a fire!).


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Just like in human language, this phrase is also an idiomatic expression that can be used metaphorically as in “I am killing it today!” When Sims or their players are getting a lot of work done around the house or outperforming at work, wabadeebadoo is the perfect way to acknowledge hard work well done. And besides, it’s an incredibly amusing word to say.

5 Humple Borpnah! = Happy Birthday!

Wishing Sims Well On Their Special Day

Sims sing Humple Borpnah in Simlish on their birthdays

To celebrate the day that Sims (or Simmers) were born as a little nooboo” (baby), wish them a happy birthday by saying “Humple Borpnah!” Decorate the house with streamers and balloons in their favu kolora” (favorite color), cook a birthday cake, and invite family and friends to a birthday party.

Remember to get a gift for the birthday Sim and present it to them by saying “presu fa vu.” It’s also important to thank gift-givers by saying the Simlish version of thank you – “Vadish!

4 Wetsul & Zapzing = Rain & Lightning

Describe Weather Patterns In Simlish

Zapzing is the Simlish word for Lightning and Swobe is the Simlish word for Snow

With the release of the long-awaited Seasons expansion, Sims can experience weather and temperature differences each day. In the summer and spring seasons, Sims often see smooshibe” (sunshine). Other times, they encounter wetsul” (rain) storms and zapzing” (thunder/lightning). After the rain comes a wetzbow” (rainbow).

Whether Sims live in worlds with colder climates or it is wintertime, some Sims will see swobe/swaybul” (snow). Celebrate the season by visiting Mt. Komorebi and climbing the montoon” (mountain), going shebohogan” (sledding), and singing Fwingle Zibbs” in front of the Winterfest tree.

3 Shushubie! = Countdown!

The Time-Ticking Chant Of Celebration

The Sims kiss on New Year's and say Shushubie and Shpansa in Simlish to celebrate

This next word is also used to celebrate a big day of the year. Shushubie” is Simlish for “countdown” and is often chanted up to one hour before midnight on New Year’s Eve. Players with The Sims 4: Seasons can celebrate this holiday gathered around the television to watch the countdown. Wish everyone a Fleeba Zoob” on New Year’s Day and celebrate by singing Winter Holiday songs like Fwingle Zibs.”


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New Year’s is the perfect opportunity to hit the local bar or pub. Signal the bartem” for a round of drinks, raise a glass, and say “Shpansa!” (Cheers!) to celebrate good times.

2 Ongie! = Selfie!

Capturing Memories And Taking Snapshots

A selfie-obsessed Sim says Ongie in Simlish before taking a selfie

Pull out a Sim’s phone or camera and take a selfie, whether it be solo or with some friends. After initiating a selfie interaction, Sims will say “Ongie!” together. Strike a pose and a pouty face or a nice big smee” (smile). If Sims see a local zaebeltooty” (celebrity), they can ask for a selfie with them.

Photos of great quality can be framed, pinned to a corkboard, or uploaded to Simstagram to keep the memory of the moment alive. There are several great mods to improve photos in the game, including functional photo frames, pose packs, and better-quality cameras.

1 Dag Dag! = Goodbye!

Saying So Long And Farewell In Simlish

A Sim says goodbye to his friend in Simlish by saying Dag Dag

Goodbyes aren’t always sad. Wish family goodnight after a gold-star social event or tell high school classmates to see ya later with a single, famous phrase: “Dag dag!” It was adopted by Sims content creator Nardvillain, who ends all of his videos with a sinister-sounding “dag dag.” Although it is mostly used as a goodbye, it can also be a greeting.

There are several other ways to say goodbye in Simlish, such as the semiformal phrase arogaba (farewell) or maladai (good day). Dag dag to all!

the sims 4 poster

The Sims 4

September 2, 2014

Electronic Arts


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