How to Use Stealth in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is a massive open-world RPG set in medieval Britain, placing you in the shoes of a male or female Viking called Eivor. The RPG mechanics are at the forefront of the character’s development and the Viking is a capable warrior that can take down multiple enemy soldiers in raids and more. Fans of the classic stealth mechanics in past games haven’t been left out in the cold and Eivor can be just as capable a stealth fighter as a Viking berserker in open combat. This guide will show you how to become an efficient and deadly silent assassin in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.


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Unlocking Stealth In Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

ac valhalla basim sigurd and eivor

To begin using stealth kills in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Eivor must complete the Prodigal Prince mission. There he meets Basim the protagonist of Assassin’s Creed Mirage and gains access to the iconic Hidden Blade. As Eivor is a Viking warrior, stealth is a learning process, and it will take some time to level up and unlock all the necessary skills to become a true Assassin. There are several skills that Eivor can utilize as soon as the Hidden Blade is made available:

Switch On Guaranteed Assassination

Assassin's Creed Valhalla - switching on guaranteed assassination

If you want Valhalla to play like a proper Assassin’s Creed game with instant assassination kills then you should switch on the Guaranteed Assassination mechanic. This enables Eivor to kill enemies regardless of their level. So even though Eivor may be outmatched in one-on-one combat, stealth will take them down instantly. Use the following steps to unlock it:

  • Press the Pause button.
  • Access the Settings menu.
  • Highlight Gameplay.
  • Then, underneath Stealth, Switch on Guaranteed Assassination.

Using The Hidden Blade In Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Eivor preparing an assassination from above

The best way to use the Hidden Blade in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is to sneak up behind an enemy and press the R1 button on the PlayStation, RB on the Xbox, or the F button on the PC to use a stealth kill. Eivor can kill from haystacks, high foliage, and above.

Lure Enemies

When Eivor is hidden in a haystack or high grass, use the whistle mechanic to lure enemies. Have Eivor wait for the enemy to get close, and at the Assassination prompt press the R1/RB/F button kill them instantly, and hide their bodies.

Kill From Above

Utilizing a higher ground is an excellent way to avoid detection and get impressive stealth kills with the Hidden Blade. With Eivor above an enemy, press the assassination button to kill them.

If you aren’t happy with the nodes you have unlocked on the skill tree, you can reset all the skills and start from scratch.

Stealth Skills To Unlock In Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

Assassin's Creed Valhalla - stealth recon on the skill tree

It will take some time to unlock everything in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, but if you focus on the main story, you can put most of the points into the right stealth skills to make Eivor a better assassin. Concentrate on unlocking the following skills for a stealthy build:

Stealth Recon

In the blue nodes skills tree, you can unlock Stealth Recon. Stealth Recon automatically highlights Eivor’s enemies in red when using crouch or hiding in hay and foliage.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla - using a bow and arrow

Guided Arrow

Eivor can unlock the Guided Arrow in the yellow skill tree. The camera switches to a first-person viewpoint by pressing the R1 button. You can then guide the arrow for more accuracy, with headshots causing an instant kill for stealth.

Chain Assassination

Chain Assassination is unlocked from the yellow nodes section on the skill tree. It allows Eivor to perform two kill two enemies in the same proximity without being detected. After performing one stealth Eivor will kill the second by throwing his axe at the second enemy.

Assassin’s Cantrip

Eivor can unlock the Assassin’s Cantrip in the yellow tree. It’s surprisingly easy to get caught by an alert guard in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. After a successful parry, Eivor can throw a smoke bomb at his feet, giving him a chance to escape.


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Social Stealth In Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Eivor detecting guards in stealth

Eivor can explore enemy towns, but the guards attack if they are alerted to the presence of a Viking. Eivor will let you know if he needs to be careful in certain areas and pull up his hood. You can avoid their detection or distract them without resorting to violence using the following methods:

Use The Raven To Locate The Guards

Eivor’s Raven is invaluable for locating enemies, artifacts, treasure, and other areas of interest. Press up on the D-pad or V on the keyboard to scope the many medieval towns, cities, or villages of guards.

Watch Out For The Enemy’s Suspicion/Stress Meter

If Eivor gets too close to a guard their suspicion level will increase from white, yellow, and red. If it’s white, then Eivor should walk in the opposite direction. If it’s yellow, they will start to follow, but when it turns red they’ll attack on sight and alert nearby guards.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla - the blend in prompt

Blend In

Some cities in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla have patrolling guards and soldiers in the area. A good way to avoid them is to use the Blend In mechanic. Eivor can blend in by sitting at tables, browsing shops, sitting on benches, and more.

assassin's creed valhalla

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

November 10, 2020

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