Blue frogs born in Terra Natura « Euro Weekly News

Two blue arrow poison frogs, in danger of extinction, were born in Benidorm´s Terra Natura; one of the only places in which they can still be found.

The Dedrobates azureus species have been in decline for numerous years and are especially affected by changes in climate. Normally, these frogs have a life expectancy of around 15 years and are mainly found in the region of Suriname and parts of Brazil.

With Spain´s warm climate and the care of Terra Natura´s team, the species first arrived at the Benidorm park in 2009 and currently live in a group of four adults and two new-borns.

The adult frogs laid six eggs in winter and as a team of herpetologists transferred the eggs to specially adapted Terra Natura terrariums, two offsprings were born.

The creatures were fed adapted to their needs and after approximately a month, began to develop their hind legs. After two weeks, they grew front legs and 15 days later, they fully formed into frogs.

These species are only poisonous when they feed on toxic ants in wild habitats, and since the new babies were born in Terra Natura, where they feed on insects, including flies and crickets, they will not develop their toxic capacity.

Blue arrow poison frogs are protected by the CITES II convention and each birth of the specie makes a significant impact, guaranteeing the continuity of the Dedrobates azureus in biodiversity.

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