Best Tips For Beginners in 7 Days To Die


  • Craft during the night to level up quickly and become a warrior of the zombie apocalypse.
  • Avoid pickaxes and wood axes early on, stick to regular stone axes for efficiency.
  • Keep bandages on hand to stop bleeding from zombie attacks and prevent health loss.

There has been a lot of renewed interest in 7 Days To Die since it was updated on consoles. Despite being a fairly old game, it is still going strong. With this renewed interest, new players are opting to try 7 Days To Die for themselves.


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When playing the game for the first time, it can be a little overwhelming as there are a lot of things that the player will need to take into consideration from the very start. With that in mind, this guide aims to help newer players find their bearings and survive the first couple of weeks of the zombie onslaught.

10 Craft During The Night

Night-Time Can Be Productive

Night Crafting in 7 Days To Die

At nighttime, a lot of new players end up just waiting until morning before continuing with whatever they had in mind, which isn’t a very good use of time. Leveling up as fast as possible is key to becoming a warrior of the zombie apocalypse.

During the day, players should collect as much wood, stone, and plant fiber as possible. Then, during the night, they can craft things like axes and wood frames in bulk. Doing this helps to increase certain skill levels, which then helps to increase a player’s overall level.

9 Avoid Pickaxes And Wood Axes

A Regular Axe is Just Fine

Mining for ore in 7 Days To Die

While it is important to craft pickaxes and wood axes later on, during the early game it is much more beneficial to stick to regular stone axes. Stone axes are cheap to make and, in the early game, the cheaper an item is to use, the better.

An axe can be used to mine just about everything, while pickaxes and wood axes are only good at mining one particular type of item. Also, it is good for leveling up, as the player can craft an abundance of axes at minimal cost.

8 Hatches Can Keep Zombies At Bay

Zombies Aren’t Very Smart

Hatches in 7 Days To Die

There’s a strange mechanic that works in 7 Days To Die – Zombies aren’t very good with hatches. For some reason, instead of breaking hatches, zombies will just run up against them. While the occasional zombie can hop over, the majority of them will just run or walk into them repeatedly.

Placing a hatch in a doorway is a great way to keep zombies at bay while looting. It is also a pretty good idea to have a few hatches down in base doorways as a way to slow down zombies on a hoard night.

7 Avoid Bears At All Costs

Bears Are More Dangerous Than Zombies

zombie bear in 7 days to die

Bears are very dangerous in 7 Days To Die, and they have a lot more health than most other zombies in the game. They are fast, and they cause a lot of damage, so if the player is at a low level, or doesn’t have a decent arsenal of weapons, then it is best to give bears a wide berth.

Bears are best taken out from a distance using a bow, crossbow, or a gun, as attempting to overpower one with melee weapons is an excellent way to die very quickly. Bears typically hang out in the forest region and in caves, so it is worth being vigilant when in these areas.


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Players can expect some truly horrifying and dangerous zombies in 7 Days to Die.

6 Check Floor Panels

They May Be Hidden Loot Beneath Your Feet

Hidden Loot Under Flooring 7 Days To Die

When looting abandoned homes, there are often secret loot stashes right under the floor. Upon entering a house, check floor panels for a ‘gap’ or metal grate with nothing underneath. If the player notices a gap or grate, then it’s worth digging up the floor.

More often than not, under the flooring is a purse, backpack, or bag that the player can loot. There is a high chance of finding valuable items, like weapon parts in underfloor loot stashes, so be sure to look carefully while keeping an eye out for zombies.

5 Use A Knife

Harvest More Meat

Holding A Knife in 7 Days To Die

A knife is more than just a weapon in 7 Days To Die, as it can be used to get more meat from animal carcasses. Chickens, pigs, deer, bears, and various other animals can be harvested for meat, and if a player uses a standard axe, then they will receive less meat.

The same applies when using a shiv. To get a shiv, simply use an axe on any corpse. After a couple of hits, the player will receive bones. Bones can be turned into a shiv. For extra hitting power, make a few shivs and then combine them in a workbench.


7 Days To Die: The Best Weapons, Ranked

In 7 Days To Die, using the best weapons is not only the best way to stay alive – but it’s also the best way to have the most fun.

4 Scrap And Combine Everything

Don’t Fill The Backpack Too Quickly

Using the workbench in 7 Days to Die

When out looting, inventory management is crucial and not everything will beworth keeping. That said, most items can be broken down into parts. For example, if the player finds a club but already has a better club, scrap the lower-level club for its wood.

When it comes to weapon parts, instead of carrying each individual component, combine them. For example, if a player has picked up a shotgun barrel and stock, instead of the items taking up two spaces, combine them. That way, the player will never be weighed down by weapon parts.

3 Try To Eat Bacon And Eggs

Delicious, Nutritious, And Very Beneficial

Killing A Chicken in 7 Days To Die

Players will need to eat and drink to survive in 7 Days To Die. There are lots of choices of foods and drinks that players can consume to survive. But there is a difference between surviving and thriving. Some foods and drinks offer a boost to the player’s overall wellness.

Of all the foods, bacon and eggs are among the best. It offers a +1 to wellness and is very easy to make. While there are other foods that offer a larger boost to wellness, they require more ingredients.

To make bacon and eggs, simply kill an animal, use a knife/shiv to harvest their meat, loot bird nests for eggs, and cook them on a campfire. Just be sure to have a cooking pot.

2 Craft Casually While Playing

Crafting in The Background Helps To Level Up

7 Days To Die Private Server

Similar to crafting through the night, players can craft certain items in the background while going about their business. Crafting wood frames is great as it helps to level up the misc crafting category. They also can be crafted in stacks of 500, meaning that they don’t take up much space.

It is beneficial to craft while looting, mining, driving, or fighting, as it just helps the player to level up a little bit quicker. Just be sure to craft enough axes and clubs for the day before starting to bulk craft in the background.

1 Keep Bandages On Hand

They Very Much Come in Handy

Bandages in 7 Days To Die

Bleeding out is never good, and in 7 Days To Die, each hit the player receives has a chance to cause a bleed out effect. This will see players losing health for every second during the bleed out effect. Applying a bandage straight away will stop the bleeding and prevent the player from dying or losing wellness points.

This is especially handy when it comes to dogs. Dogs move fast and can attack the player very quickly. If a player isn’t carrying any bandages, then, chances are, they won’t make it through the attack alive.


The Fun Pimps

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