And Kamasutra isn't even an Olympic discipline!

A little over 100 days before the start of the Paris Games, the figure is already giving you a thrill: 230,000 condoms will be distributed in the Village for athletes who, to celebrate a medal or console themselves for a defeat, would succumb to the temptation of a summer romance and would declare their Olympic flame before returning home. We can, of course, only rejoice that the Olympics bring the youth of the world so close together. Well, it is not certain that Baron Pierre de Coubertin, who had not scheduled the presence of female competitors in the stadiums, endorsed this race for Kamasutra “made in France” and these previously banned games. But, when you think about it, isn't the noble Olympic spirit hiding behind these improbable encounters between a pole vault specialist and an uneven bars champion, between a clean and jerk star and an adept aerobatics, between a sword hero and a tatami expert? Friendship, inclusion, equality and the fight against discrimination: the beautiful values ​​of “citius, altius, fortius” can be expressed in a thousand ways. And maybe more. It therefore makes sense, as Dechavanne would say, to go out covered in gold, silver and latex and to prevent rather than cure. And athletes' fiancés should not be overly worried: these security measures obviously only concern die-hard singles already subscribed to Tinder.

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