All Achievements in Tales Of Kenzera: Zau

Here is everything you need to know about the trophies/achievements in Tales of Kenzera: Zau, including how to earn them.

Tales of Kenzera: Zau is not a lengthy game like other Metroidvania titles like Hollow Knight or Ori. Completing the entire campaign takes less than seven hours, which might seem short compared to those other games. However, this isn’t necessarily a major drawback, considering the game’s price point, with many players also appreciating a more concise adventure, as committing 30 hours or more to a game can feel daunting.

For those seeking more mileage from their purchase, there’s the option to pursue unlocking all the in-game achievements. Fortunately, none of these trophies are tied to difficulty settings, allowing players to unlock them all even on the easiest setting.


What to Expect From Tales of Kenzera: Zau

Upcoming metroidvania game Tales of Kenzera: Zau is set to bring players an experience unlike any other, and it plans to achieve that in a few ways.

All Trophies & Achievements in Tales of Kenzera: Zau

tales of kenzera zau three faces

Tales of Kenzera: Zau doesn’t feature an abundance of in-game objectives; offering a modest selection of 20 trophies or 19 achievements, all obtainable in a single playthrough. Some trophies are automatically earned upon reaching specific story points, while others require more focus on collectibles and combat. The guide below details everything you might need to know about the trophies, including their names, rarity, and methods for acquisition.



How to Unlock

Whole Again


Unlock all trophies (PlayStation only).

Hear my Plea


Unmissable story-related achievement; unlocked after beginning your journey with Kalunga.

A Once Black Sky


Unmissable story-related achievement; unlocked after defeating the Impundulu boss and completing Act 1.

A Fear Within


Unmissable story-related achievement; unlocked after defeating the Kikiyaon boss and completing Act 2.

A Father and a Son


Unmissable story-related achievement; unlocked after progressing through the Book and completing Act 3

The End of Another


Unmissable story-related achievement; unlocked after completing Act 4, essentially finishing the game.

Run, Shaman, Run


Unmissable story-related achievement; unlocked after surviving the Kikiyaon chase.

Honour the Ancestors


Unmissable story-related achievement; unlocked after acquiring all six unmissable Hadithi Abilities.

Listen and Learn


Interact with all 32 Echoes hidden throughout the game world. All can be acquired in the first three Acts.

Lore of the Land


Acquire all Codex entries. Most Codex entries are acquired automatically as you progress through the game. However, you’ll need to interact with all 32 echoes and speak to every character to unlock their respective entries.

Know Thyself


Acquire all the Reflections by interacting with all six Baobab Trees; there are two in each Act, except for the last one.

Evening the Odds


Equip your first Trinket using a Workbench. Naturally, you’ll need to obtain a Trinket in the first place.

The Art of Trinketry


Acquire all the 11 Trinkets hidden throughout the game world. Act Four does not contain any Trinkets.

A Warrior’s Way


Beat all three Spirit Rituals. Each Act hosts one Spirit Ritual, with three combat challenges in each ritual. All must be conquered to earn the trophy.

Shaman of All Trades


Unlock all Sun and Moon Skills, totaling 16 Skills, with eight in each category. Defeat enemies, acquire collectibles, and break purple orbs to acquire Skill Points. Pursuing 100% completion yields more than enough Skill Points to acquire all skills.

Perk Up


Unlock all four Trinket Slots. The first one is unlocked by default, and the remaining three are rewarded upon completing the three Spirit Rituals.



Unlock all five Spirit Segments. Two are available by default, while the remaining three are rewarded to players for completing the three Spirit Rituals.

Quick Draw


Perform Perfect Recharge 10 times when using Light Attack while equipped with the Moon Mask. Acquire the Perfect Recharge Skill first to perform the move.

I am the Moon


Defeat four enemies using a single Lunar Blast, the Moon Mask Spirit Attack that unleashes a massive beam of light. Acquiring this achievement in the Spirit Ritual is relatively easy; just ensure you have enough Spirit Segments.

I am the Sun


Defeat four enemies using a single Supernova, the Sun Mask Spirit Attack that summons a fiery tornado, annihilating everything within its grasp. Aim to achieve this feat in a Spirit Ritual; requires two Spirit Segments.

On the PC and Xbox platforms, Tales of Kenzera: Zau features 19 Achievements instead of 20. The absent Achievement is the Whole Again trophy, exclusive to the PS5.

Tales of Kenzera zau-1

Tales of Kenzera: Zau

April 23, 2024

Surgent Studios

Electronic Arts

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