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Friday, November 29, 2024

Weight loss injections…worrying side effects for their users

Weight loss injections…worrying side effects for their users

According to the British Daily Mail, research shows that nearly half of patients who eventually stop using… Weight loss medications Known collectively as GLP-1 drugs, they will gain some weight back.

Alarmingly, approximately 1 in 5 people who stop taking these medications regain all or even more of the weight they lost.

This means that many patients are taking medications Appetite suppression They are reluctant to stop using them, which opens the door to the huge possibility that thousands will remain on these medications for the rest of their lives.

Sometimes the effect is the opposite, as 5 percent of those taking these medications experience alarming weight loss even after they stop taking these drugs.

says Dr. Robert Andrews, professor diabetes At the University of Exeter: “Many of these patients have nothing in common, but people with BDiabetes “They are more likely to struggle to regain weight after stopping these medications.”

However, patients who lose a significant amount of weight in a short period of time are more likely to regain it compared to those who lose only a little weight using the drug.

Dr. Nerys Astbury, a diet and obesity expert at… Oxford University: “One of the biggest factors that can predict how you will do once you stop taking these medications is how quickly you lose weight initially.”

The role of exercise

Whatever the reason, experts agree that those who stop taking GLP-1 drugs and immediately regain their weight tend to have one thing in common: They don’t exercise. Sports.

“It is clear that people who engage in regular physical activity maintain… Weight loss much better than those who don’t,” says Dr. Astbury, adding, “So some exercise is better than none.”

Studies show that approximately a quarter of the weight loss caused by these drugs is actually due to shrinkage Muscles.

This can have serious consequences, especially for older adults, who are more likely to fall when they lack muscle.

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