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The Mercury’s Sound Off for Thursday, Oct. 17

The Mercury’s Sound Off for Thursday, Oct. 17

Kamala Harris has said repeatedly, “We’re not going back.” So why are Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama campaigning for her?

Billy G.

FTR, I’m country over party. If Harris (or Biden) did just ONE of these: continually lied about losing an election, caused a riot at the Capitol, replaced a VP for refusing a scheme to overthrow legitimate votes; had a Chief of Staff, and Cabinet members publicly warning the candidate was danger to democracy; I’d vote for their opponent. I don’t worship nor have blind fealty to Biden, Harris, nor any political party.


It is interesting hearing the new Democrat rally cry, “We are not going back, we must move forward together,” as I find this is the motto of the Communist Party of the United States … hmm. Confused about who is a threat to democracy.

Abolish the Electoral College so New York and California can decide who our president is. Sorry snowflakes. Our founding fathers knew what they were doing.


Everywhere you look, illegal immigrants are taking over. You name it: Hospital ERs are overrun, our schools, and swanky hotels in big cities are booked with illegals and food pantries. The reason FEMA is out of money is that it was diverted to illegal immigrants. But go ahead, vote for Kamala Harris to get more of the same.

Michael Stern

Kamala is out and about telling prospective voters that if elected, she’ll do a much better job than the current administration. Am I the only one who knows that she is the current administration? Dems be tripp’n!


Do Harris’ class warfare ads ring true? Per Forbes, she counts more billionaires in her camp, 28, than does Trump, 24. Elsewhere, Trump reduced the national poverty rate to a record low of 10.5%. The 2023 Biden-Harris poverty level? 11.1% despite trillions in giveaways. For someone who allegedly “just thinks about himself,” Trump left the Whitehouse with a net worth reduced by half, something reportedly not witnessed since the departure of Harry Truman.

M. Furlong

A resident legal “genius” is either remarkably stupid or deliberately lying. “… most Americans …” know you’re not sentenced unless already convicted (i.e. adjudged “guilty”). Hate to bust your bubble, but Trump, indeed, is a convicted felon. Shirley Huck: Amber Thurman – The hospital waited too long to do a D&C because they feared being prosecuted under current Georgia abortion law. Jim Fitch: ‘Harris/handicapped sticker‘ – Not funny, just mean-spirited.

It’s so apparent that Donald Trump is going to win the presidency by an enormous landslide that the Associated Press has already started its demonization of the Electoral College. When Republicans win, Democrats whine that they cheated. When Democrats cheat, they call Republicans sore losers.


Just when you think he can’t go lower Trump starts spreading misinformation about FEMA. These people have lost everything and he says the money is all gone, they are looking for hope and help. Instead of throwing chicken nuggets during your photo op try reassuring the victims there is hope!

JB in Limerick

I heard on the news the other day that Home Depot is being fined for having incorrect price tags on the shelf and the price is more when checking out. If this is true they should also check the prices in the grocery stores. If you check your receipt when grocery shopping you will find this true in many cases. They don’t change the shelf tags many times from the previous week’s specials.

Reminder: A person who complains about fact-checking is called a liar.


Kamala’s joy, hand gestures, word salads, and smile are not going to protect this country. Open borders will continue, high prices, illegal crime will soar, and endless wars will continue. I want someone who is strong and cares about more than killing babies to run this country, and that is Donald Trump. Vote like the survival of this country depends on it!!


Democrat Puppeteers: Joe Biden has dementia but say Trump has dementia. Kamala is an extreme progressive socialist, but say Trump is a dictator. Pete Buttigieg posts pics of breastfeeding his baby with fake milk-filled breasts, but say Trump and Vance are weird. MSM: Trump has Dementia, Trump is a dictator, Trump and Vance are weird. Brainwashed Sheeple: Trump has dementia, Trump is a dictator, Trump and Vance are weird. See how that works?


Call me MAGA, but if the left wants normal people to stop referring to Kamala Harris as a DEI hire, then stop reminding us every 5 minutes that she’s a Black woman. You’re only making it more apparent that her only qualifications are her gender and race, and her only accomplishments pertain to her identity — and even that’s questionable.

Righty Tighty

No one should wonder why Kamala Harris is avoiding serious interviews. She was an absolute trainwreck on “60 Minutes”! When asked if she regrets rescinding the Trump border policies which caused illegal immigration to quadruple in her first 3 years, Harris never directly answered the question, but she claimed to have solutions. I hope one of her solutions is to restore Trump’s very successful Remain-in-Mexico policy!

Robert Minninger

Other than the constant critical nonsense from the media, and our own government attempts to derail Trump, he did a good job with his 4 years in office. He’s experienced, he’ll know more of what he’s walking into this time. Kamala is in over her head and has shown that with how she handled the vice presidency. We will still be getting constant negative press and constant Democratic whining over the next four years.

H John

I read an article that Felony DonOld also claims that immigrants are overrunning and wreaking havoc in Tunkhannock, Pa., in Northeast Pa. So in doing more research, I found that the local district attorney debunked such claims. Add another lie to Don the Con’s resume!


Growing up, post WWII, I believe it was truly the best of times. As I’ve aged, I’ve witnessed some folks trying to whittle away at our rights, freedoms, and general prosperity. Sadly, those born and raised today, won’t experience what I grew up with, but, then again, you won’t miss something you never had!

Jim Fitch

Sound Off is an opinion forum for Mercury readers to comment on today’s news. Submissions must be 75 words or less and are subject to editing for grammar and clarity. Publication of submissions is at the sole discretion of the editor. Email your comment to [email protected]. Use “Sound Off” in the subject line of the email.

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