Pokemon Fan Gives Mimikyu a Giratina-Themed Makeover

Highlights A creative Pokemon fan shows off their re-design for Mimikyu, shifting the Pokemon into a new appearance inspired by legendary Pokemon Giratina. Mimikyu has been one of Pokemon's most...

Without desire, Tamines logically goes into P1

However, there was room to get all three points, with Onhaye not having played his best match of the season. Lionel Brouwaeys also rotated his squad during these last meetings. ...

Call of Duty Dev Treyarch Could Start Using AI in Art Development

Highlights Treyarch may be shifting towards using AI-generated art in their games, causing some backlash within the gaming community. The job posting for a 2D Artist/Animator at Treyarch mentions the...

Genshin Impact Leak Teases Imaginarium Theater Map

Highlights Recent Genshin Impact leaks are teasing a new map coming in Version 4.7 as part of the Imaginarium Theater game mode's introduction. Players will be able to visit a...

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