Saturday, September 28, 2024
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Organ donation is a culture that documents giving as a humanitarian gesture

Organ donation is a culture that documents giving as a humanitarian gesture

This represents a humanitarian gesture that contributes to giving hope in saving the lives of patients from the suffering resulting from complications of chronic diseases or organ failure such as kidneys or… Liver Or lungs or even the heartOrgan donation is a humanitarian act that embodies the highest values ​​of giving, whether the donor is a living or brain-dead donor.

Dr. Rehan Saif, a consultant in general surgery, organ transplantation and robotic surgery, explains that a living person can donate part of the liver, one of the kidneys, or bone marrow to a specific or unspecified recipient, based on medical need and compatibility, while a brain-dead person can donate. With the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, pancreas, intestines, bones, corneas, and heart valves, therefore a culture of donation must be established and encouraged. Organ donation After, where the brain-dead person contributes to saving and improving the lives of 9 people, organ donation takes place after brain death when the person allows the removal of any of his organs, in a legal manner, by consent, while the donor was alive, and with the consent of the next of kin after death.

Dr. Rehan confirms the development of medical research over the past 25 years, as organ transplants that are not completely identical between the recipient and the donor have become possible and safe, with a high survival rate similar to other cases of identical organ transplants, where the patient undergoes a transplant. Kidneys that are not completely ABO-identical, for medical treatment before and after a kidney transplant to reduce antibody levels in the blood, thus mitigating the risk of antibody rejection of the donor kidney.

Dr. Rehan Saif explains that the matching of tissues and blood types between the recipient and the donor is essential in organ donation processes, so the difference in the blood types of the donor and the recipient is rare, and in the context of organ transplants that do not match the ABO blood type, evaluating the antibody titer is crucial, The high level of antibodies constitutes an increasing factor in the patient’s body rejecting the new organ, while performing the procedure of removing organs from a donor using a robot is considered a great advantage compared to traditional open and laparoscopic methods, as this method ensures that the surgical operation is performed in less time and reduces the possibility of bleeding. There is also a faster recovery period.

Regarding the mechanism for selecting a patient for an organ transplant, he said: Patients are selected for an organ transplant in view of their medical condition, and a detailed assessment of their eligibility for it is conducted, and in view of the dangerous and complex nature of the organ transplant operation, we first look for any other method that saves the lives of patients and provides them with a life that has the same value. Quality or better than if they had a transplant, and then if we cannot find an alternative, we do a comprehensive evaluation for the transplant, to determine what requirements each individual case needs, and then we put them on a waiting list for the procedure.

Dr. Rehan Saif points out that there are a number of patients who suffer from organ failure and are waiting for a life-saving transplant. Unfortunately, not every patient has a suitable living donor, and the only option for these patients is to enter the waiting list to obtain a suitable deceased donor. There is a large mismatch between The number of patients in need of a transplant greatly exceeds the number of organs available from deceased donors, pointing to the challenges faced by organ failure patients, which is represented by a shortage of organs donated by deceased donors. Therefore, medical authorities must raise awareness about the “gift of life” and advocate. To donate organs, support organ donation programs, and educate the community.

He pointed to the efforts of the UAE, represented by the Ministry of Health and Community Protection, which succeeded, through the National Program for Donation and Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues “Hayat,” in completing 1,000 post-mortem organ donation operations since its launch in 2017, within the framework of the integration of federal and local efforts and the health and academic sectors, in addition to To its regional efforts in coordinating with donation agencies and associations in the Gulf countries to cooperate in delivering and exchanging organs for matching recipients registered on national organ transplant lists, whether these patients are from within the country or from outside it.

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