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Kaspersky detects over 1 million daily tracking incidents in 2024

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In Kaspersky’s latest analysis of more than 25 of the most popular web tracking services, including Google, Microsoft, andNew RelicMore than 38 billion instances of web trackers collecting user behavior data were detected in 2024, with an average of 1 million detected instances per day..

Web tracking involves the collection, storage, and analysis of data about users’ online behavior. This data can include demographic information, website visit history, time spent on pages, and interactions such as clicks, scrolls, and mouse movements, which can be used to create heat maps and other insights. Companies use this information to personalize experiences, enhance user engagement, target advertising more effectively, and measure the performance of their online services..

To conduct this assessment, Kaspersky experts analyzed the 25 most popular web tracking services. These services include four from Alphabet Inc. (And it is Google Display & Video 360andGoogle AnalyticsandGoogle AdSenseandYouTube Analyticsalong with services from New RelicIn addition to Microsoftincluding Bing and other tracking platforms from the company. Analysis of these services revealed 38,725,551,855 data collection incidents over a one-year period from July 2023 to June 2024, with users sharing their data around 1,060,974 times per day..

The report provides a detailed analysis by region of the prevalence of several tracking services. Key findings include::

It takes over Google Display & Video 360 The largest share of the top 25 tracking systems is in Asia. In South Asia, the service was responsible for 25.47% of Do Not Track requests, while in East Asia it accounted for 24.45%, the Middle East 22.92%, Africa 19.03%, and Europe 17.24%. The smallest share was in the CIS, at 8.38%, where local tracking systems are more popular..

For its part, the service enjoys Google Analytics (which tracks user behavior and keywords to improve performance and data flow on the website) with its largest share in Latin America (14.89%), followed by the Middle East (14.12%). Its presence in Europe reached 11.93%, and in Africa 12.94%.%.

Tracking tools dominate Google AdSense The Middle East (6.91%) and South Asia (6.85%) had the largest share, while the smallest shares were in Oceania (3.76%) and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). (2.30%).

Overall, the presence of these tracking systems has increased in almost all regions. While some systems have declined in certain regions, others have expanded, but they belong to Google All of them. The above highlights the tracking Google for users, which is far superior to what any other company does..

The service is enjoyed YouTube Analytics With the highest share in South Asia (12.71%) and the Middle East (12.30%), while in Africa it reached 10.25%. The lowest share was in Europe (5.65%) and North America. (4.56%).

Own your tracking tools Microsoft Its largest share was in Latin America (3.38%), and the smallest in the CIS (0.68%). Africa’s share was 2.82%, while Europe’s was 1.99%.%.

Tracking tools are shown. Bing Significant activity in Africa (8.46%) and Europe (5.33%), with smaller presence in the Middle East (2.66%) and CIS (0.77%).

In South Korea, Japan, and Russia, where local Internet services are highly developed, regional tracking systems not only make the top 25 list, but sometimes even outpace global competitors..

Kaspersky detects over 1 million daily tracking incidents in 2024
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