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“Exciting” information about the mysterious woman linked to the “Pager” bombings

“Exciting” information about the mysterious woman linked to the “Pager” bombings

According to Reuters, Cristiana is 49 years old, holds Italian and Hungarian citizenship, and speaks 7 Languagesand holds a degree PhD In particle physics, her Budapest apartment is filled with paintings of her own, including her career path. Humanitarian works I took her all over Africa and Europe.

After it was revealed that BAC Consulting, of which Christiana is CEO and owner, is the one that has the license to design the devices,Pager“From Taiwanese manufacturer Gold Apollo, the woman told NBC News that she did not make the devices and was “just a middleman,” adding: “I think you got it wrong.”

Since then, Christiana has not been seen in public again, and her neighbors say they have not seen her and messages asking her for comment have gone unanswered, even in her apartment in an old building. In Budapest It was closed, according to Reuters.

Reuters quoted an acquaintance who, like others, had met her at social events in Budapest and asked not to be named, as saying that she seemed like someone “easy to use.”

“She is well-intentioned, and her character is not like that of businessmen and women. She is more like someone who is always trying something new, who quickly believes in things and is enthusiastic about them,” he added, noting that she was looking for Source of income Because she wanted to leave another job.

Kilian Kleinschmidt, a veteran former humanitarian relief director, was appointed. United NationsIn 2019, Christiana was appointed to manage a six-month Dutch-funded programme to train Libyans in Tunisia In areas such as hydroponics Information Technology and business development, but he described her as a “bullying” manager and said he fired her before her contract was up.

“Christiana, I think it was one of the biggest mistakes of my life,” Kleinschmidt told Reuters. “It was just disgusting on a personal level… Then at some point I said enough is enough. Maybe I should have done it faster. I said enough is enough and I let her go a month before her contract was up.”

Kristiana did not respond to calls and emails from Reuters and no one was at her apartment in central Budapest when the agency visited.

A woman who has lived in the same building for two years said Christiana was already living there when she came to the building, describing her as kind and quiet but very social.

The group organizer says For drawing She practiced the hobby at a club in Budapest but had not been there for about two years, he added. She seemed more like a businesswoman than an artist but was enthusiastic and outgoing.

According to one of her classmates, Cristiana grew up in the town of Santa Venerina in eastern Sicily, with a working father and a housewife mother, and would go to school. For high school Close to her home, the colleague described her as being very reserved in her youth.

In the first decade of this century, Christiana obtained a PhD in physics from University College London and her thesis on “positrons” is still available on the university’s website, but it appears that she left the university without continuing her scientific career.

“As far as I know, she has not undertaken any scientific work since then,” Akush Torok, a retired physicist who was one of her professors at University College London and published with her at the time, told Reuters by email.

In a biography on the BAC Consulting website, Christiana describes herself as a “board member of the Earthchild Institute,” an educational and environmental charity in New York.

Donna Goodman, the institute’s founder, told Reuters that Christiana had no role there at all, adding: “She was a friend of a friend of a board member and she contacted us about Job Vacancy In 2018, but did not receive an invitation to apply for the job.

The resume also mentions her work as a “project manager” at the IAEA in 2008 and 2009 and organizing a nuclear research conference, but the agency said its records indicate Christiana interned there for eight months.

The website of BAC Consulting, which was closed at the end of this week, gave few details of its actual work in Hungary.

“I am a scientist who uses my highly diverse background to work on multidisciplinary projects to make strategic decisions,” Christiana wrote in her bio.

“With excellent analytical, language and interpersonal skills, I enjoy working and leading in a multicultural environment where diversity, integrity and humor are valued,” she added.

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