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An international report reveals: This is how the support of Iran and Hezbollah strengthened the capabilities of the Houthis

An international report reveals: This is how the support of Iran and Hezbollah strengthened the capabilities of the Houthis

The independent expert committee said: The Houthis They were receiving tactical and technical training outside Yemen While traveling on fake passports to Iran and Lebanon And Iraq.

The United Nations experts wrote in their latest report, which Reuters reviewed, that “the numerous testimonies collected by the committee from military experts, Yemeni officials, and even from individuals close to the Houthis indicate that they do not have the ability to develop and produce without foreign support and systems.” arms “complicated.”

They added, “The scope, nature and extent of various transfers of military equipment and technology provided to the Houthis from external sources, including financial support and training of their fighters, are unprecedented.”

Sanctions observers said the weapons systems used by the Houthis are similar to those they produce and use Iran Or armed groups within what they call themselves (Axis of resistance) supported by Tehran.

The experts stated in their report submitted to the Yemen Sanctions Committee in the 15-member Security Council, “This transformation (in capabilities) was made possible due to the equipment, aid, and training that the Houthis obtained from the Quds Force of the Houthis.” For the Iranian Revolutionary Guard And Hezbollah And Iraqi specialists and technicians.”

Observers of the implementation of UN sanctions also expressed their concern about increasing cooperation between the Houthis and the organization The ruleThey said: “They agreed to stop the internal conflict, to transfer weapons, and to coordinate attacks on Yemeni government forces.”

They explained, “It was also possible to monitor an increase in smuggling activities, including small and light weapons, between the Houthis and the extremist Somali Al-Shabaab movement, with signs of the existence of joint military supplies or a common supplier.”

And about Passports Counterfeit observers said that the Houthis issue false documents to people “acting on their behalf, in support of them, or under their control.”

“These individuals are charged with purchasing and/or transporting prohibited goods or weapons or traveling abroad to participate in military training,” they wrote in the 38-page report, which includes hundreds of pages of annexes.

The Iranian mission to the United Nations has not yet responded to a request for comment on the report monitoring the implementation of international sanctions, and there has been no comment from the Houthis.

Over the past year, the Houthis have launched repeated attacks with drones and missiles on ships in important shipping lanes in the country. Red Sea A show of support agitation In Israel’s war on the Gaza Strip Gaza They said, which disrupted global maritime trade because shipping companies were forced to divert their ships.

The Houthis have been subject to a de facto UN arms embargo since 2015, and Tehran has consistently denied supplying the group with weapons.

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