Sunday, September 29, 2024
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The Mercury’s Sound Off for Sunday, Sept. 29

The Mercury’s Sound Off for Sunday, Sept. 29

Come to the Douglassville Autobahn and see how fast you can go. Open 24/7 eastbound lanes of Route 422 from Speedway to Wawa. No police patrol ever — state or local.

Hillary Clinton is back in the news, and she is saying that it is unfair for the news media to question Kamala Harris about her policies. I agree because as Kamala says, “The community’s children are the community’s children, or I grew up in a neighborhood of folks who were very proud of their lawn. You know?” With profound statements like that, who needs policies?


No one has been held accountable for mistakes during Biden’s 4 years. Because of our history before Biden, we expect people in high places to be competent. We had the Afghan withdrawal, getting all the people out who helped us there. We have the border with Mayorkas, fentanyl, Biden’s mental state, Kamala saying Biden’s fine, migrant crime. Two assassination attempts on Kamala’s opponent, should we really expect the Secret Service to up its game?

H John

Patriot54, I am a veteran and I am voting for Donald J. Trump. You don’t understand that because you, after all the reports to the contrary, still believe the garbage media’s portrayal of Trump having no respect for our troops. (Sigh) And Donk, seriously? Do you really think MAGA cares about who Romney, Cheney and Kissinger are endorsing?

Virginia Cox

Since the beginning of the year, the unemployment rate has risen from 3.7% to 4.2%. The increase has been attributed by Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell to the continued influx of illegal aliens. Over the past 3½ years, a known 9 million have arrived plus an estimated 1 million “gotaways.”

M. Furlong

The most Socialist ticket in US history is coming for your savings, but you may need to learn that the hard way. The Harris/Walz ticket is the most radical pairing ever in the US. Their agenda will lead to massive tax hikes, runaway inflation and redistribution schemes that could target your retirement accounts. Why change our great American traditions for Socialist failures?

Truth Patrol

Quote from convicted felon Trump: The Heritage Foundation is a great group and they are going to lay the groundwork and detail plans for what our movement will do in my second term”. For low-IQ radical Republicans stuck in your right-wing echo chamber, the Heritage Foundation wrote Project 2025.


As president during COVID-19, Trump built temporary hospitals to avoid a potential shortage of beds and enough ventilators for the entire world. He fast-tracked the development of multiple vaccines, and he allowed states and individuals to make their own choices. Biden and Harris? They issued mask and vaccination mandates that were ineffective and ultimately overturned by the courts. Trump easily outperformed Biden and Harris regarding COVID-19.

Robert Minninger

I heard the other day that conservatives were boycotting Dunkin’ cause they refuse to put ads on conservative news stations. Then I thought about what that would look like. Only Fox and Newsmax are conservative. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, newspapers, all magazines are all left and owned by communists. With the democratic machine in the works, regular people don’t have a chance.. makes me angry when people don’t listen. Welcome to socialism!


There is not much being said about gas prices rapidly dropping. The reason prices are coming down is because the U.S. is pumping more oil than ever before. Look it up. You don’t hear much about that, either. What about it, Tina?

Greg Levengood is right. This election could be lost because of uninformed voters. Who are they? Well, maybe your mother or grandmother or your sister, aunt or even your own daughter. Most females have a different perspective on their wants for a world leader. It’s more selfish and personal rather than national and international. They consider gender and race instead of qualifications, knowledge, and experience. Such insignificance has no value in deciding a presidency.


Kamala Harris is running some of the most dishonest political commercials ever. Trump has disavowed any connection with Project 2025 but Kamala keeps pushing it and saying Trump will use the legal system to attack his political foes. He did nothing of the sort for his four years as president, but for the last four years, Democrats have used our legal system to attack Trump in every way possible.

Michael Stern

People don’t believe what Trump says about Project 2025 because of the facts surrounding it and his history of telling lies. For all the Republicans calling Democrats a threat using Marxist, Socialist rhetoric: only one candidate’s former staff, cabinet members and his former vice president have publicly called his reelection a threat to democracy. If you can ignore this irrefutable fact and vote for him anyway, you’re not concerned about our democracy.


Imagine a life filled with so few accomplishments that Kamala has to lie about working at McDonald’s.

Little Joe

The Trump/Vance ticket wants the media to talk about the Springfield story they “created.” They are trying to stop the conversation about Project 2025 and our bleak future. Pay attention!! You can’t this stuff up!

Jay Miller

I get a big kick out of Patriot54, Jay Miller and these do-good Democrats who claim to be perfect. They say that a Republican who breaks a minor law is weird like they as Democrats have never done anything wrong. With illegals that have murder, gang violence, and robberies compared to someone that has minor charges,(some cooked up), to make someone look bad is OK. You can see where this country is headed.

Do these so-called celebrities really think for one second that I care at all about who they endorse? And about the debate, my mind was made up a long time ago, and not one single thing will change that! I saw everything during the last 4 years in real-time, so no Harris, you had your chance, pack and go home.

Just weeks after Biden told his Democrat voters that Trump was a threat to democracy and needed to be put in a bullseye, one of his loyal cult members tried to assonate him. Just days after Kamala again told the world from the debate stage that Trump was a threat to democracy and there would be a bloodbath if he were to be elected, another Democrat cult looney tried to assassinate him.


Fact Jack, like your hero Felony DonOld you stated all lies in your recent post except for one.Time to get your facts from other than Newsmax and fake Fox channels. Either that or take a remedial reading class. By the way, post-birth abortion — really!


I must admit over the years I’ve read some over-the-top viewpoints from both sides of the aisle. None, however, pale in comparison to that from Lefty Lucy on Sept 24. “Socialism benefits everyone.” Seriously, when and where? It’s never worked anywhere in the world. “California-style leadership on a national level? Homeless junkies defecating on the streets. Nay, nay I think not. Please seek the mental help you obviously need.

Too bad Patriot54 can’t recall his Sound Off submissions or maybe wait a day or so before hitting the send button. As soon as he posts one of the Democrats’ fake talking points like “illegals are not eating pets,” the proof comes out that illegals are in fact eating people’s pets. It’s so disappointing that nobody fact-checks slanderous Democrats’ lies in real time. As per usual, The Donald is right and P54 is wrong!


Correct, this Pope is a corrupt socialist! Only aware the Vatican has taken in one “illegal alien family”! Catholic Charities is one of the major NGOs pushing illegals into the US! Another election cycle, the Pope/Church isn’t defending the unborn as the absolute total unrestricted war on the unborn continues! They will attend Mass and pray and pretend to care!

Just the facts!

Trump showed us yet again who he is in the debate. A bumbling angry old man who cares more about rally sizes than policy, who has no plans to back up his many ridiculous claims of what he’ll do, who spews inflammatory fiction, and who lies as easily as he scowls. He can’t even bring himself to look at a powerful woman. He is just plain unpresidential.


ABC lost $27M in ad revenue after advertisers pulled ads from the network after the way they hosted the presidential debate, stating that it was not conducted fairly. I will never have ABC on my TV again. Boycott the network to drive home the fact that MSN has made it blatantly obvious that they are in bed with the Democrats. Enough is enough!

A fed-up citizen

Radical left-winger KC is caught once again making stuff up. The Pennsylvania Legislature has nothing to do with the state’s gas tax. The tax rate is set by the Department of Revenue, which works for the governor. And Democrats have held the Pa. governor’s office for 10 of the last 14 years.


Tippy, you need to stop drinking. Donald Trump’s constant hateful rhetoric is getting Donald Trump shot at.

Our Father who art in chaos, hallowed be thy tweets. Thy circus come, thy BS be spun, on earth as it is on Fox News. Give us this day our daily cringe, and forgive us our sanity, as we forgive those who keep drinking the Kool-Aid. Lead us not into rational thought, but deliver us from reason. For thine is the tantrum, the con, and the circus, forever and ever.


The ABC debate moderator’s insistence there were no states in which babies could be left to die after they were born was an outright lie and Trump was right again. The truth is that in Tim Walz’s Minnesota, at least eight babies have been left to die after botched abortions. It’s a matter of public record. If you want a pro-infanticide administration then Heels Up Harris and Tampon Tim are for you.


My goodness. Aren’t some of the Sound Off writers sensitive about pseudonyms? My point was specifically about someone using a pseudonym and then accusing someone of being a coward. Especially accusing a former president of being a coward after he dodged bullets — and still campaigning after a 2nd round of gunfire. Think about it.

Dan Fields

Logical Bob says you need a large additional income for the IRS to tax your Social Security benefits. According to for joint filers, “Between $32,000 and $44,000, you may have to pay income tax on up to 50% of your benefits.” For my parents, that “large additional income” is about $6,000 a year which causes their benefits to be taxed. Get real Bob, Vote Trump to eliminate taxes on Social Security.


Don’t be gaslighted about The Heritage Foundation (Project 2025). Wikipedia: []. “The Heritage Foundation has had significant influence in U.S. public policy making, and has historically been ranked among the most influential public policy organizations in the United States.” Notice how intertwined they were with the Trump administration: []. Note the 51 members of the Project 2025 Advisory board listed on pages XI, XII of “2025 Mandate for Leadership” []. Decide for yourself.

Someone needs to look into the security flaw that allowed a potential assassin to get ready to shoot at President Trump. Who leaked the fact that Trump would be at his golf course, of all places?


I hope Pennsylvania counts all the votes on election night and not keep counting until they get the results the Democrats want like 4 years ago.

Mike S

Next time my boss asks me why I didn’t do any of the things that were part of my job description I’m going to reply with: “Let me start by telling you that I was raised in a middle-class neighborhood.” Then smile and leave the room. If that works for Kamala Harris, it has to work for me and I’m sure to get a promotion.

Philly Cal

Back in the 80s and 90s, Donald Trump would finance young Black-owned businesses that were having problems getting loans. When the time came for the Black business owners to pay back Trump, he tore up their contracts and let them keep all of the money. He told them that was his gift to them. That’s who Democrats call a racist.

I don’t C color

In 1962, James Meredith, a Black student, was blocked from enrolling in Mississippi University by Democrat Gov. Ross Barnett. Republican President Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves. Over the years the Republicans have done more for Blacks but Democrats keep on promising everything to get their votes even though not that many results that help Blacks.

Dear Prophet, when choosing a President, I will not vote for a man who ignores the Ten Commandments, including committing adultery and bearing false witness (plus more). Jesus commands us to welcome strangers, feed the hungry, and clothe the naked. Don’t pick and choose Bible verses to suit your political stance.

A Christian

How are the libs voting for cackling Kamala going to like it when she dumps 20,000 “newcomers” in their town? It’s not a matter of if but when. But at least they will be able to get rid of their unborn kids.


KC, you need to find a reliable (you weren’t) source for job creation statistics. The definitive source is the Department of Labor. Per their website, the job creation statistics per year since the year 2000 do not vary that much by year. Your stats are completely false.


It’s both admirable and sad that so many brave Palestinians have died while fighting side by side with the Israelis against the Hamas terrorist regime in Gaza. Oh wait, no Palestinians are fighting Hamas in Gaza, or anywhere else.


Knives or guns, people kill people, the Bible says Cain killed Abel with a rock. Let’s ban rocks too.

Star Light

Still Amazed, the Hippocratic Oath was derived from an ideal 2,500 years ago when Hippocrates was still worshipping Greek gods. Pessaries are now used for incontinence.

The Moderate

Sound Off is an opinion forum for Mercury readers to comment on today’s news. Submissions must be 75 words or less and are subject to editing for grammar and clarity. Publication of submissions is at the sole discretion of the editor. Email your comment to [email protected]. Use “Sound Off” in the subject line of the email.

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