Friday, September 27, 2024
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Pottstown-area churches schedule worship services, special events

Pottstown-area churches schedule worship services, special events

Bethel Community

POTTSTOWN — On Saturday at 11 AM, the Women’s Ministry will meet in the Library.  Also, today from 11 AM to 1 PM, the Pottstown Communities of Faith “Pottstown Teacher Appreciation Letter Writing” will take place at 575 North Keim St.  You can register for the event at Lunch will be served. On Sunday at 10 AM, it’s “Community Sunday School” when the topic will be “Glorious Riches” based on Colossians 1:24 – 2:3.  At 11 AM, it’s Morning Worship for the “Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost.”  It’s “Outreach Sunday” when those seeking a new Church Home are invited to join us.  The service is Live on Facebook  TheBCCP Food Pantry is Closed on Monday.  On Tuesday at 6:00 PM and Thursday at 12 PM, it’s In-Person (Library) and Virtual (215-383-1625 Code 198087) “Community Bible Study.” Everyone is welcome!

St. Peter’s Lutheran

POTTSTOWN — St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, 564 Glasgow St., will celebrate the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost at our 9:30 a.m. Worship Service with Deacon Kathie Afflerbach. Visitors are always welcome. Worship with us online via Facebook on Sunday at 9:30 a.m. or any time during the week on Facebook, YouTube, and our website:

Zion’s UCC

POTTSTOWN — Sept. 29 is the 19 th Sunday after Pentecost and Zion’s welcomes all to in-person worship at 10:15 am. Bridge Pastor Marti Smith of Zion’s United Church of Christ, Hanover and Chestnut streets will have a message titled “Salt of the Church.” All are welcome. For those who wish to worship virtually, you are welcome to join us LIVE or later on Zion’s Facebook Page at

First Presbyterian

POTTSTOWN — Join First Presbyterian Church of Pottstown, 750 N. Evans St., on Sunday, Sept. 29, for Faith & Friendship at 9:15 am and worship at 10:30 am. Immediately following worship, join us in the Community Room for Fellowship Hour hosted by the Spiritual Formation Committee.

St. Luke Lutheran

GILBERTSVILLE — The Men of St. Luke will meet in the pavilion tomorrow morning for a historic Men’s Breakfast.  This will be the 50th Annual Breakfast! Then, join us at St. Luke Lutheran Church, Wilson Ave., for worship on the 19th Sunday after Pentecost at 9:30 a.m. for our Sunday worship with Minister Bobbie Hoffman. Communion will be celebrated. The gospel lesson of the day is Mark 9:38-50, warnings to those who obstruct faith. Dave Janzow will serve as Lector. The Community Clothing Rack will be open for donations on Oct. 3 from 1-4 p.m. and for shoppers on Oct. 10, 17, and 24.

St. John’s UCC

POTTSTOWN — St. John’s UCC, 11 S. Price St., welcomes all to join in worship on Sunday at 9 am
in Fellowship Hall. This will be the last Sunday we will be worshipping at this time. October 6th worship returns to 10:15 am in the Sanctuary. The service will be available for viewing on YouTube later in the day. The Little Pantry is stocked weekly with water, food, and personal care items for community members in need. Food is also being collected for Operation 143, which supports children in the Pottstown and
surrounding school districts. AA and NA meetings are hosted by St. John’s during the week at various days/times.

Trinity UCC

POTTSTOWN — Trinity Reformed UCC, 60 N. Hanover St., will hold services in our main sanctuary at 10:15 am on Sept. 29. This week Pastor John will be sharing a message titled, “Better Together.” We will be acknowledging that we all have an important part to play in serving our community and spreading the message of God’s amazing love. Trinity hosts multiple weekly support groups: Alcoholics Anonymous
meets at 7:30 pm every Monday, New Horizons (Narcotics Anonymous) meets at 7 every Tuesday and Thursday, Taking Back our Power (mental health support) meets at 1 pm every Thursday, and Breath of Hope (Narcotics Anonymous) meets at 7:30 every Friday. We continue to offer a Community meal for anyone in need at 5 pm every Tuesday. This week Boy Scout Troop #10 will be sponsoring the meal. Trinity will be
having our next free fresh produce giveaway on Saturday, Sept. 28, beginning at 10 for anyone in the community who is in need.

Cedarville UMC

NORTH COVENTRY — Join us Sunday at 1092 Laurelwood Road for services at 8 AM & 11 AM (Traditional), and 9:30 AM (Contemporary) led by Pastor Mike Remel. Visit for resources and live-streamed worship (also on FB) or recorded services after Sunday. Children ages 4 to 6th grade are dismissed from the 9:30* and 11* services for Sunday School and Nursery* care is available. This morning at 8:00 AM is the Women’s Breakfast at Brookside Restaurant. There are five opportunities for Bible Studies (one Zoom) during the week. The Men’s breakfast meets Thursdays at 7:30 AM at the WQ Diner. Mission First’s pantry is in need of umbrellas, ChapStick, shaving cream, toilet paper, Dove bar soap, travel-size tissues,  jelly, canned fruit, pop tarts, spaghetti sauce and $10 Wawa and McDonald’s Gift Cards. To help or donate (weekday assistance welcome) stop by or email [email protected] or call her at 610-326-0560.

St. John’s ELC

BOYERTOWN — As children of God and disciples of Christ seeking peace and justice in the world, we welcome, affirm, and include all people into the fullness of God’s love. Join us for worship Sundays at 9:30 am and livestreamed on YouTube (St. John’s ELC Boyertown). Free chamber choir concert on October 26 at 7 pm performed by Vox Philia. 2024-25 Preschool registration open online. Free drive-through, take-out meal every Saturday evening from 4:30-5:30 pm – no registration necessary. For updates and further details, check our website at or call the office at 610.369.1024.

St. James Lutheran

LIMERICK — St. James Lutheran Church, 93 Kugler Road, invites you to worship with us this Sunday, Sept. 29. There will be two services. The Contemporary service will be at 9 AM.  Age-appropriate Christian Education classes will begin after the Children’s message. This service is live-streamed on our website at  A time of Fellowship and Hospitality follows the service. The Traditional service begins at 10:45. Three Bible studies have resumed. The first is on Tuesday night via Zoom at 6:45 PM.  They will be studying 1 Samuel starting on chapter 13. The second one is held on Thursday at the Willow Run Club House from 11 AM – 12:15 PM. They are studying the Gospel of John. The third one is held on Friday afternoon from 3:30 – 4:30 via Zoom. They are studying the book of Ecclesiastes.

First UCC

ROYERSFORD — First UCC, 367 Washington St., Sunday: 10 am Adult Study, 11 am Worship in the Sanctuary, Rev. Tyson Frey, Guest Pastor, message: Three Cheers for God’s People!, Mission Moment on Neighbors In Need, 2 pm Fall Fest at Cedar Hollow Farm.

Coventryville UMC

SOUTH COVENTRY — This Sunday, join us for our traditional worship service at 10:30 AM. Come out for the annual Trick and Treat Trail on Saturday, Oct. 12, from 11 am – 1 pm. We will be serving a hot dog lunch along with games and pumpkin decorating. The Thrift Shop is next open on Saturday, October 12 from 9 am – Noon. Not only can you shop the deals at this time, but you can also donate items then too. All proceeds benefit Coventeyville and its outreach programs. You can find more information on our website at You can find us at 1521 Old Ridge Rd., Pottstown, PA 19465.

Grace Lutheran

POTTSTOWN — Grace Lutheran Church, 660 N. Charlotte St., welcomes you to worship with us as we observe the Nineteenth  Sunday after Pentecost at 10:15 AM with the Rev. Lauren Cain presiding over communion. The service will be live-streamed on our Facebook page This Sunday we will have the Installation of our Music Director Alyson Trout during service. There will be a reception following the service in the Parish Hall. During September and up to Harvest Home on Oct. 13, we are collecting donations of non-perishable food, personal care items and cleaning supplies. These items will be available to the public at our Open Pantry on Oct. 19 in the parish hall.

Harvest Fellowship

BOYERTOWN — Harvest Fellowship Church, 584 Colebrookdale Road, invites you to join us for our weekly gathered worship in proclamation of Jesus as Lord on Sunday, Sept. 29, at 10:15 am. This Sunday, Pastor Andrew will be preaching from Titus 1:9-16, looking at the reality of the danger facing the church and the response to this danger, all while understanding the root of the danger. Join us in worship of the Triune God and for Christian fellowship! Our website:

First Baptist

POTTSTOWN — Join First Baptist Church of Pottstown this Sunday, Sept. 29, at 4:30 PM via Zoom or in person at 575 N. Keim St.  Our worship series “Inflection Points” sermon will be “Embody What Matters.” An inflection point indicates a significant change in direction, a turning point, a moment when something is suddenly apparent and/or possible that wasn’t before. Throughout time God’s people have stood at inflection points and made choices that redirected their futures, transforming themselves and the world around them. Our mission offering for September is Doctors Without Borders. Join us in supporting justice for the many people around the world dealing with conflict and living in harm’s way. Our Learning Community meets Sundays before worship from 3:15 – 4 pm. Our study this fall is on Revelation! Come see what it actually does and does not say!  Our Book Group is reading What It Takes To Heal by Prentis Hemphill. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, Oct. 2 at 7 PM on Zoom. Go to our website under Group Life for the Zoom link.

St. Paul’s UCC

POTTSTOWN — St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, 927 N. Franklin St., invites you to join us for worship on Sunday, Sept. 29, at 9 a.m. Our service will also be broadcast live on our Facebook page at:  We will be holding a Pot Pie Dinner fundraiser on Saturday, Oct. 19, from 4 –  7 p.m.  Our Diaper Bank is open on the fourth Wednesday of each month, from 10 am -12 noon, and from 5 – 7 p.m.  The next date is Oct. 23. The Diaper Bank assists Pottstown families in need with diapers, wipes and other baby essentials.

St. Gabriel Catholic

STOWE — Join us for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Mass will be celebrated today at 4 PM and Mass Sunday morning at 9 AM (the Rosary will be recited prior to Mass). Confessions are heard on Saturday afternoons from 3-3:45 pm.  Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is every Wednesday from 9:30 am until 5 pm (closing with Benediction).  We are now live-streaming services for those who cannot make it to church due to health concerns If you purchased a chicken pie or apple dumpling, Saturday is pick-up day from 12-2 pm in the church social hall.  For more information visit our Facebook page: or our website:

Bethel UMC

SPRING CITY — Bethel United Methodist Church, 952 Bethel Church Road, invites you to join us this Sunday, Sept. 29, for praise service at 8:30 am or worship service at 10:30 am, led by Pastor John Keretzman. Bethel will be celebrating its 180th Anniversary with a special worship service on Sunday, Oct. 6, at 10 am. We will be worshipping in a similar fashion to when the church was founded, in 1844. Members are encouraged to dress in period clothing, but this is not required. Come join us on Friday, Oct. 25 from 6-8 pm for Trunk-or-Treating! This event is being co-hosted with Faithful Foundations Learning Center. More information can be found on our website or our Facebook page. Follow us on Facebook at for more information on church activities.

Brownback’s UCC

SPRING CITY — Join us this Sunday at 10 am for the worship service in the Sanctuary. Nursery care is available for children through age 5, and elementary-aged children attend Worship Play part way through the service. Before the service at 9:45 am, you can also join us for a short Prayer Service in the Chapel and coffee in the lobby. We will be holding a Blessing of the Animals on Sunday, Oct. 6, at 11:45 am. Bring your pets for a special blessing and pet-friendly treat! Leading up to this event, we will be collecting donations for Animal House Project in Pottstown. We invite you to bring a donation to the event if you feel so inclined. Beginning Oct. 2, Pastor Bill will lead a Bible Study on the topic of angels each Wednesday at Noon and 7 pm. If you join at Noon, feel free to bring a bagged lunch and enjoy a time of fellowship before the group begins. This is a free program open to all in the comminity. Join us at 640 Ridge Road, or you can watch the service from home at:

Emmanuel Lutheran

POTTSTOWN — You are invited to Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 150 N. Hanover St., on Sunday, Sept. 29, at 10:45 AM as we observe the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost. Pastor Carl Filer will lead the service and offer the day’s message entitled “Healing Without a License.” Ample parking can be found in our lot behind the church on the corner of Walnut and Penn Streets. Services are broadcast live on our Facebook page at Beginning Sunday, Sept. 29, we will be offering a Sunday morning adult Christian Education program. Stuart Bowman will be leading a study based on Jesus’ miracles at 9:45 AM in the Main SS Room through Oct. 27. Harvest Home Food collection is ongoing. Please place your non-perishable food items on the cart located in the first-floor hallway. Food donation will benefit the Pottstown Cluster of Religious Communities, monetary donation will benefit God’s Kitchen Meal Ministry. Outreach schedule for the coming week: Community Meals (use Walnut St. entrance) on Monday at 5 PM and Friday at 11:30 AM; Emmanuel’s Closet Clothing Ministry (use Hanover St. entrance) on Monday at 1 PM to 3 PM and 5 PM to 6:30 PM, Wednesday from 1 PM to 3 PM, and Friday at 11 AM. NA meetings (use parking lot door closets to Walnut St.) on Monday and Wednesday at 7 PM, Saturday at 12 PM and 6 PM.

Congregation Hesed Shel Emet

POTTSTOWN — Upcoming Shabbat services on Sept. 28. Rosh Hashanah services on October 2, 3, and 4. Yom Kippur starts on Oct. 11. Services are both in-person and virtual, via Zoom. Visitors are welcome. Rabbi Cynthia Kravitz hosts noontime and evening adult education sessions. Contact: 610-326-1717. Email: [email protected].

Calvary UCC

BARTO — Calvary United Church of Christ will have a flea market and 25-cent clothing sale for the public on Saturday, Sept. 28, from 8-11 AM. Basket raffle tickets will also be sold during the day of the sale for the drawing on Saturday, Nov. 16, from 9 AM – 1 PM. Baskets include cash, gift cards, inflatable kayaks, household items, car items, children’s gifts, and other new items. There are 70 baskets available. Calvary UCC will host worship on Sunday, Sept. 29, beginning at 9:30 AM. The theme will be “For and Against.” The Worship Commission will meet immediately after worship in the fellowship hall.

Christ Lutheran

BARTO — Christ Lutheran Church will worship on this the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost on Sunday, Sept. 29, at 9 a.m. for worship service led by Pr. Matthew Finney, who will also give the sermon for the morning. We will celebrate Harvest Home this Sunday with the congregation’s gifts of non-perishable food items for a local food pantry, monetary donations for food pantry, as well as flowers, fruit and vegetables to decorate and celebrate our Harvest. Coffee and Conversation will be held at 8:30 a.m. and again at 10 a.m. in the Welcome Center. Confirmation Class will begin this Sunday in room I at 10:00 a.m. The Senior
Choir will rehearse on Wednesday, Oct. 2, beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the choir room. The church is located at 222 Niantic Road between Routes 663 and 100 about a mile east of Bally.

St. Joseph Catholic

ROYERSFORD — The Women of St. Joseph Catholic Church will be hosting its 19th Annual Basket Raffle on Sunday, Oct. 13.  The location is the Royersford Firehouse on 269 Green Street, Royersford, PA 19468 The doors will open at noon with the drawings starting at 2 pm. The admission cost is $25.00 which includes a sheet of 25 drawing tickets and a door prize ticket. Additional sheets of 25 tickets can be purchased for $6.00 each. Light refreshments will be served. Bringing food and drinks are permitted, excluding alcohol. Participants must be at least 18 years of age. There will be additional drawings for Grand Prizes, Sweepstakes and a 50/50 drawing.

Holy Trinity Orthodox

POTTSTOWN — Pierogies made fresh that morning will be for sale on Saturday, Oct. 19, at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, 1236 Juniper St. Limited quantities of the pierogies and homemade frozen soups will be available from 10-11:30 a.m. On-site parking is available. Look for the church with the golden domes. For more information visit

Area houses of worship are invited to share their news for our free weekly listings. Email information to Mercury Editor Tony Phyrillas at [email protected]. Submissions will run on a space-available basis and are subject to editing. The information must be submitted before Noon on Thursday for publication in that Saturday’s edition. Please use the words “Church News” in the subject line of the email.

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