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UAE leads the world in communications and technology indicators

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Majed Sultan Al Mesmar, Director General of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority and Digital Government, confirmed that the UAE has become a global leader in most indicators of the communications and technology sector, most notably Internet services, whether in terms of access, spread or volume of use of services. The country is also ranked among the top countries in the world in terms of mobile phone services.

In an interview with Al Bayan, Al Masmar said that the UAE is playing a leading role in developing 6G network technology, by taking several preparatory steps to ensure a smooth transition to this advanced technology, noting that the Authority is working on formulating a regulatory framework and mechanism to stimulate the growth of emerging companies specializing in 6G communications applications as part of its vision to transition to the new generation of networks. The following is the text of the interview:

What are the most important indicators of international competitiveness that the local telecommunications sector has reached?

The UAE has achieved leadership in many key indicators at the global level. According to the latest indicators for the year 2023, the country achieved first place globally in the rate of comprehensive access to telecommunications services, the indicator of the percentage of individuals using the Internet, the percentage of homes with the Internet, the percentage of individuals with a mobile phone, the rate of mobile broadband Internet access per 100 people, the percentage of mobile phone network coverage of the population, and the percentage of fiber optic network coverage.

Mobile phones

What about the country’s competitiveness in terms of mobile phone services?

The country, on the other hand, maintains advanced positions in other communications services, as it ranked second in the rate of mobile phone penetration per 100 people, third in the percentage of homes with a computer, and fourth in access to the Internet. The Authority continues its great efforts to sustain the UAE’s leadership in information and communications technology indicators at the regional and global levels.


What are the most important initiatives established by the Authority to enhance the competitiveness of the local communications and technology sector?

The Authority launched a series of initiatives and projects that enhanced the ability of individuals and companies to access advanced digital services and their various uses, which positively impacted economic activities and development plans. These initiatives included, but were not limited to, implementing the comprehensive service policy, sharing infrastructure and digital torrent, conducting surveys, developing mobile phone networks, and covering optical fibers in line with the requirements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to ensure advanced infrastructure.

6th generation

What about the 6G transformation strategy that the Authority recently revealed?

The UAE is at the forefront of countries working in the field of research, setting standards and implementing 6G technology, supported by a comprehensive regulatory and political approach that enhances the country’s position in leading global technological progress. We have developed a roadmap called the “6G White Paper”, in partnership with a number of entities, most notably the country’s telecom operators and a number of global device and network providers, with effective contributions from:

The Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, along with Khalifa University and the Technology Innovation Institute, include a future vision and a plan with timelines to ensure a smooth transition to this advanced technology, which guarantees the country global leadership in developing next-generation network technology.

What are the most important preparatory steps taken to start implementing this strategy?

Essential preparatory steps have been taken to ensure the success of this transition, starting with investing significant resources in establishing distinguished research centres aimed at driving innovation in advanced technology, in addition to strengthening the role of centres of excellence, enriching research and patents, and expanding areas of international cooperation.

While the map features several steps, including forming a specialized work team that aims to integrate global expertise and prepare the digital infrastructure for the sixth generation of mobile phone networks in the country, in addition to developing a framework and mechanism to stimulate the growth of emerging companies specialized in sixth generation technology applications in cooperation with all partners from operators, providers or government agencies.


What applications will the sixth generation provide and which sectors will benefit from it?

6G technologies are revolutionizing the world of communications locally by providing unprecedented services such as high-definition immersive holographic communication, and will enable the seamless integration of the digital and physical worlds, creating virtual environments capable of revolutionizing sectors such as healthcare, education, and entertainment.

The new generation will also enhance the country’s commitment to the vision of sustainability, which is an essential part of the design of the sixth generation, as this technology is designed to provide much higher capacities while reducing energy consumption, in line with global environmental goals.

What role do operators play in promoting the transition to 6G?

Telecom operators in the country will play a vital role in this ambitious path through the stages of developing the current infrastructure of service networks within the country to meet the requirements and meet the standards consistent with new generation technologies, which will enhance the smoothness of the transition.

They will also work closely with government agencies, academic institutions and international partners within the strategy to expand technology, enhance research excellence and coordinate development efforts with the required global standards.


What are the most important features of the stages of transition towards the sixth generation and the timelines?

It is planned that the development of 6G networks will be carried out locally in specific time stages, initially relying on intensive research and development through academic institutions to drive innovation and develop the desired technologies. This will be followed by the research stage and the stage of formulating the necessary standards for the new generation, in cooperation with international organizations such as the International Telecommunication Union and the Third Generation Partnership Project.

The UAE will not only set local standards, but will also contribute to shaping the global regulatory and policy frameworks for 6G in the final stages, and technical trials will be conducted, networks will be deployed, and new services will be launched as 6G technology matures.

As the development of this technology progresses, stakeholders will play a major role in developing national capabilities by supporting technological innovation programmes within the country and preparing the ground for the growth of emerging companies. It will also include establishing support mechanisms that accelerate the development and adoption of sixth-generation technologies in various sectors, which drives economic growth and enhances technological leadership.

UAE leads the world in communications and technology indicators
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