Sunday, October 20, 2024
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The Mercury’s Sound Off for Sunday, Oct. 20

The Mercury’s Sound Off for Sunday, Oct. 20

Not only is Kamala Harris a liar, but now she is a confirmed plagiarist. Her book “Smart on Crime” copied entire articles from Wikipedia, a John Jay of Justice publication, and an AP/NBC news article, with no attribution. Then she fabricated other references out of thin air. This is per famed plagiarist “hunter” Dr. Stefan Weber. I guess she learned it from Joe Biden.

Dan Fields

I’ve seen a lot of people in my life, and one thing I can say about Kamala Harris is that she laughs way too much. She laughs about too many things that aren’t funny. Like when she was asked on “60 Minutes” if she had a gun. She giggled through the entire answer. It wasn’t a funny question. She needs to disclose all the prescription meds she is on.

Richard Paladino

Trump brings up that Haitians in Ohio are cooking cats and dogs, and it becomes a much bigger story than migrant crime. We’re not as concerned about migrants committing murder, rape, robbery, assault. That’s the interesting stuff, what MSM decides are the major stories, and the stories that they really don’t want to bring up. The pet cooking story has been verified by the way.

H John

The Biden-Harris Inflation Reduction Act has yet again reared its ugly head. Baked into this monstrosity was a tripling of Medicare Part D insurance premiums. The only reason that seniors have yet to see the increases is that, as an election-year gimmick, taxpayers have been put on the hook for $21 billion over the next three years.

If you’re Black, Jewish, or a naturalized U.S. citizen and you’re voting Democrat this election, you’ve got some explaining to do.

Righty Tighty

Lefty once again you’re shooting your mouth off without the facts. Per Kiplinger (non-partisan financial news), project 2025 does not include a 20% sales tax, rather it extends Trump’s tax cuts (not Biden as he never enacted any) and consolidates the tax codes from seven brackets down to two helping the lower class. In fact, Trump has publicly stated he isn’t interested in Project 2025. People like you cause division within our country!

Still Amazed

How could The Mercury print such a repulsive article penned by Democrat activist journalist Dana Millbank? Dana (great gender-neutral name!) argued that assassination attempts on political figures are now a fact of political life. The new normal in America. Hold it right there Comrade Millbank! Maybe in the Socialist utopia you dream about, but not here in the USA. Vote wisely because this is what Trump is fighting against.

Missy Miss

You are traveling overseas and are given a choice of pilots to fly the airplane. One is an experienced pilot with a proven track record. The other is a DEI hire who got the job based on their sex and the color of their skin despite being underqualified and lacking experience. It’s a no-brainer choice.


For the past few decades, both candidates for president have sat down and interviewed with “60 Minutes.” VP Harris has complied but Felony Don the Lying Con has not. DonOld backed out because of the show’s policy to fact-check answers. It seems DJT doesn’t want to get caught lying again. This is MAGA.


I find it interesting when newspaper opinion columns encourage you to reach out to the author and when you do and may disagree with the stated opinion the message is simply blocked. Liberal media at its best.

Star Light, Trump isn’t trying to destroy the Republican Party. When he took office, being a newcomer he found out there are a lot of Republicans embedded in the DC corruption along with the Democrat thugs. We need him back in office to finish draining the swamp.


I can’t believe that some voters are voting for candidates only considering legalizing federal vs state abortion laws and disqualifying all successful businessmen! We had a thoughtless election 4 years ago. Please think this time

Ole Farmer 2

Columnist Steve Roberts missed Fed Chairman Jerome Powell’s news presser, where Powell said “Illegal immigrants are having an impact on jobs” meaning “Illegal immigrants” (actually illegal aliens) are taking entry-level jobs from Americans! Doesn’t Roberts or Democrats know the definition of “Illegal”? A neighbor came here legally, took ten years and twenty-five thousand dollars! Deport every illegal alien!

Just the facts!

Lefty, if the assassination attempt in Butler was a “charade”, please explain the death of Corey Comperatore. Trump’s ear bandage was an exaggeration. To unnamed, the US Postal Service has been a disaster for years.

The Moderate

Adult Democrat women don’t care that their sons don’t want to go to war, or that their daughters don’t want to play sports against men. It’s more important to progressive mothers that we have a female president. Dems be tripp’n!


Does anyone else think Tim Walz looks like Don Rickles?

Dennis A. Biggs

Kamala Harris proudly announced $157 million of foreign aid to Lebanon (safe haven for Hezbollah) while offering $750 to US citizens in Georgia and North Carolina suffering the effects of Hurricane Helene. As actor James Woods said, “This has to be fake. Even Kamala Harris, the gold standard of stupidity, isn’t stupid enough to post this. Certainly not while North Carolinians are pulling the bodies of their neighbors from the wreckage.” No, not fake.

Michael Stern

In a mass movement, the person in charge gets to determine what reality is. His followers must either surrender their own integrity or surrender their ownership of their own perceptions. Either way, that’s just plain sad.

Vi in the Valley

Dear Dot and the rest of you who believe Trump/JD Vance/Musk outright lies about FEMA. Stop. These lies are hurtful to people in need, causing some to avoid seeking help. This is a disaster, not a political talking point. Please stop spreading the hate.


I hope everybody had a great Indigenous People’s Day! I know I did. It sounds so much better than Christopher Columbus Day. Columbus slaughtered thousands of people, his men raped countless women and enslaved many natives. For all that he was anointed a hero by the world. He never really discovered America and in fact, wasn’t even Italian. They were duped just like the rest of us.

Lefty, For The People

Jay Miller, it’s true that a bunch of retired generals said they can’t support Trump, but the other 4,460 don’t seem to agree. Lying by omission is you still making stuff up. And, regarding $100,000 watches, I see Bidenflation is going up again.


Kamala Harris recently said, “In times of crisis, and we’re looking at the images of the aftermath of the hurricane, but, it is easy in these moments of crisis to sometimes question our faith. To sometimes lose our faith for a moment — because what we see is so hard to see that we lose faith or a vision of those things we cannot see but must know.” Any guesses as to the meaning?

Jane “The Real Moderate” Batdorf

I watched the “60 Minutes” interview with Karmala. It was noted that border crossings are down (just at election time, amazing) but they didn’t mention that on July 31, 2024, Biden signed a bill paying Pamana to halt the path north.

Politically expedient. Until this election cycle, Bob Casey Jr. opposed elective abortions beyond 20 weeks of pregnancy. He no longer does. The position of his opponent, Dave McCormick, is consistent with Pennsylvania state law which prohibits elective abortions after 23 weeks and 6 days of gestation. Noteworthy is that 3 in 10 babies now survive deliveries at 22 weeks of pregnancy.

M. Furlong

Trump isn’t even President and he’s hurting people. All his lies about FEMA not helping hurricane victims are hurting them all over again. But he doesn’t care. Some people will believe him. Republican Governors are telling him to stop the lies. He doesn’t care who he hurts.

I have slight dyslexia, which hadn’t caused me any problems until last week when I accidentally mixed up ‘jacuzzi’ and ‘yakuza’. Now it seems I’m in hot water with the Japanese mafia.

Bill Wilson

I didn’t realize it, but grocery bags must be getting larger. I used to only be able to put $35 worth of groceries in a bag, but now I can put $60 worth in what I thought was the same size bag!

Jim Fitch

Sound Off is an opinion forum for Mercury readers to comment on today’s news. Submissions must be 75 words or less and are subject to editing for grammar and clarity. Publication of submissions is at the sole discretion of the editor. Email your comment to [email protected]. Use “Sound Off” in the subject line of the email.

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