Tuesday, October 1, 2024
13.2 C

The Mercury’s Sound Off for Tuesday, Oct. 1

The Mercury’s Sound Off for Tuesday, Oct. 1

Can’t wait for Kamala to win and make those billionaires (735 per Forbes) pay down our debt and help the middle class (230 million per Pew). If each billionaire was taxed 1 billion dollars, that wouldn’t dent the national debt ($35 trillion), lower the budget ($6 trillion) or provide relief for those middle-class folks. But wait: maybe Lefty can kick in some of his 401(k) monies? After all, he says he’s killing it!

Still Amazed

I love a good salad, but Kamala’s word salads make me nauseous. I’ll stick to fresh veggies and will be voting red!

Lola Granola

On Friday’s front page was an article about getting your flu and Covid shots. Why would people do that after all the negative reactions to it? Why don’t you publish reasons not to get it? Was this tested like all the others? When someone tells me of weird illnesses, I ask did you get all the Covid shots? Do your homework. Don’t blindly get them because the pharmaceutical people say you have to.


Kamala Harris likes to use certain words over and over again. One word she uses a lot is “Holistic” when describing her plans to make them sound important and lofty. Kamala’s plans sound a lot like “Hellistic” plans to me.

Billy G.

Hey, Jay Miller, every time Trump tried to keep building the wall, the Democrats did everything they could to stop him. He didn’t fail, they sabotaged it. Democrats hate America! By the way, apparently, you can make this stuff up. You and Lefty and P54 and all your other liberal stooges do it every day!


Real America, I guess you missed the memo! ABC staged a debate providing Kamala the questions and was prompted during the so-called debate, you are aware of the Nova H1 ear pieces with someone prompting responses! Dumbocrats destroyed the process, New Hampshire was removed as the first primary! NH is retail politics and the Democrats had to hide Weekend at Bernie’s Biden! Bless your heart, and keep trying!

Just the facts!

Still Amazed: You don’t really understand how American government works, do you? Trump can, but doesn’t need to, propose a national abortion ban. If passed in Congress, signed by Trump, SCOTUS can only decide its constitutionality. SCOTUS has no authority to place it “solely” in the hands of the states. They just said, “Oh, that right we said you had? Whoopsie! You don’t!” Your view on abortion is only yours, not everyone’s.

I am wondering where the investigation of the Harris campaign is concerning the Iran collusion with Harris. Iran hacked into the Trump campaign and turned over Trump campaign data, information, and confidential information. Harris accepted the information and there should be a grand jury empaneled to explore the collusion. The standard was set 8 years ago.

Michael Stern

Jay Miller, the lefty liberal, ignores the fact that Harris and Biden have no intention of securing our border with Mexico. When Trump was president, illegal border crossings plunged to almost zero by the end of his presidency. Kamala and Biden reversed Trump’s policies on day one of their administration. And as Biden said, “He delegated everything to Kamala.”

Sam Tasik

While convicted felon Trump and the radical Republicans scream nonsense about immigrants eating animals, it’s important to remember the following: 1) Trump’s tariffs will crush the middle class 2) Trump will sign a national abortion ban 3) Trump will repeal Obamacare with nothing to replace it Vote blue to keep America safe.

Patriot 54

Here’s a direct quote from Kamala Harris that demonstrates her complete disregard for the U.S. Constitution. “Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible.” OMG!

Robert Minninger

Dot, opinion pundits are now entertainers blurring the lines with straight news. Truth isn’t right or left and complex subjects aren’t always simple. Internet influencers spread conspiracies for clicks and money. It’s a mess. I voted in person at Voter Services in Norristown via mail ballot; I’ll be away election day. I had to apply for it and show ID since it wasn’t being mailed to my registration address. I’m confident in our elections.


Bipartisan consensus on the overwhelming amount of scandals, failures and incompetence by the Biden/Harris Justice Department, Homeland Security, and Secret Service. And yet not a single person has been held accountable, let alone fired. Dem’s be tripp’n!


H.R. 7909 — Fifty-eight congressional Democrats supported The Violence Against Women by Illegals Aliens Act which called for the convicted to be deported. Not among them? Rep. Madeleine Dean appears to be taking for granted the women’s vote. Dean, who chronicled the story of her son’s drug addiction, has apparently also determined that 100,000 opioid deaths annually is an acceptable trade-off for millions of potential new voters.

M. Furlong

On last week’s ‘joyfest’ with Oprah Winfrey, Kamala Harris said, “If an intruder comes into my house, they’re getting shot” — which I have no problem with. What I do have a problem with is her lying about owning a gun which she has subsequently denied. So which one is it, Kamala? Just another flip-flop and as usual, no accountability from the lamestream media who always does their job burying such stories for the Democratic party.

Greg Levengood

I wish the Trump cult members would read that Project 2025. Trump wants to gut Medicare and Social Security. Medicare and Social Security are the only reason the Sound Off MAGAs are alive. Trump wants to abolish the Department of Education and that means your grandchildren will be home-schooled by you. God help those kids. Wake up Trumpers!

Lefty, For The People

The most annoying sound in the world: A billionaire whose father gave him $400,000,000 whining about how unfair anything is.


I’ve gotten to the age where every time I leave the house, I have to go back because I forgot something. Today, at the store, I reached for my wallet and wouldn’t you know it, I forgot my trousers. Luckily, I was at Walmart and no one noticed!

Jim Fitch

Sound Off is an opinion forum for Mercury readers to comment on today’s news. Submissions must be 75 words or less and are subject to editing for grammar and clarity. Publication of submissions is at the sole discretion of the editor. Email your comment to [email protected]. Use “Sound Off” in the subject line of the email.

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